326 Ind. Admin. Code 6.8-2-21

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 6.8-2-21 - Mittal Steel-Indiana Harbor West Inc

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 21.

(a) Mittal Steel-Indiana Harbor West Inc., in Lake County, source identification number 00318, shall meet the following emission limits:

Source Emission Limits
Units lbs/hr
Stack serving number 3 blast furnace stoves 0.027 lbs/MMBtu 11.73
Stack serving number 4 blast furnace stoves 0.027 lbs/MMBtu 12.93
3 stacks serving 84" hot strip mill slab reheat furnace numbers 1, 2, and 3 0.086 lbs/MMBtu 36.56
Utility boiler number 5 0.066 lbs/MMBtu 25.69
Utility boiler number 6 0.066 lbs/MMBtu 25.69
Utility boiler number 7 0.066 lbs/MMBtu 25.69
Utility boiler number 8 0.066 lbs/MMBtu 61.59
Basic oxygen furnace main stack 0.018 gr/dscf 69.40
Reladling and desulfurization baghouse 0.008 gr/dscf 10.49
Ladle metallurgical station baghouse 0.004 gr/dscf 3.630
Sinter plant breaker discharge end 0.02 gr/dscf TSP 18.05 TSP
Sinter plant windbox stack 08 0.02 gr/dscf TSP 49.70 TSP

(b) The following opacity limits for Mittal Steel-Indiana Harbor West Inc., shall be complied with and shall take precedence over those in 326 IAC 5-1-2 with which they conflict:

Source Opacity
Basic oxygen furnace ladle metallurgical station baghouse 5%, 3 minute average
Basic oxygen furnace main stack 20%, 6 minute average
Basic oxygen furnace reladling and desulfurization baghouse 5%, 3 minute average
Basic oxygen furnace shop roof monitor 20%, 3 minute average

(c) The installation and operation of opacity continuous emissions monitors shall be conducted according to procedures specified in 326 IAC 3. Before December 10, 1993, Mittal Steel-Indiana Harbor West Inc. basic oxygen furnace precipitator main stack shall have a continuous emission monitor for opacity installed and operating.
(d) The following combustion sources shall fire natural gas only:
(1) Hot strip space heat numbers 1 through 28.
(2) Number 3 sheet mill including:
(A) single stack batch annealing furnaces numbers 1 through 7; and
(B) four (4) stack batch annealing furnaces numbers 1 through 11.
(3) Number 2 Sheet Mill, No. 1 Galvanizing and Aluminizing Line, and No. 2 galvanize lines including:
(A) galvanizer furnaces (one (1) per line); and
(B) flame furnaces (one (1) per line).
(e) The following site-specific control requirements apply as follows:
(1) Basic oxygen furnace facility roof monitor. The twenty percent (20%), three (3) minute average opacity (20%) except for standard in this section shall be:
(A) achieved not later than December 10, 1993; and
(B) maintained thereafter.
(2) Number 4 blast furnace. Compliance with the opacity limit shall be:
(A) achieved not later than February 1, 1994; and
(B) maintained thereafter. In addition, control equipment capable of capturing and collecting emissions generated at the east and west tilting runner spouts and tap holes shall be installed and operational by February 1, 1994.

326 IAC 6.8-2-21

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6.8-2-21; filed Aug 10, 2005, 1:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3516; filed Jan 23, 2008, 1:44 p.m.: 20080220-IR-326040279FRA