326 Ind. Admin. Code 6.8-10-4

Current through May 29, 2024
Section 326 IAC 6.8-10-4 - Compliance requirements; control plans

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 4.

Control plans shall include the following:

(1) Within six (6) months of June 11, 1993, a source to which this rule applies shall submit a control plan that, when fully implemented, will achieve compliance with the applicable emission limitations stated in section 3 of this rule. Failure to submit a control plan in accordance with this rule shall be considered a violation of this article. A control plan shall also be included as part of a construction permit application under 326 IAC 2-5.1.
(2) A control plan, upon submittal to the department, shall become part of a source's operating permit or registration conditions.
(3) The following information:
(A) The name and address of the following:
(i) The source and location, if the source is located on another source's property.
(ii) If different from that of the source, the owner or operator responsible for the execution of the plan.
(B) Identification of the facilities or operations listed in section 1(a)(1) of this rule and those affected by 326 IAC 6.8-2 through 326 IAC 6.8-7 that exist at the source.
(C) A map showing the location of all of the following:
(i) Unpaved roads.
(ii) Paved roads.
(iii) Parking lots.
(iv) Storage piles.
(v) Material processing facilities.
(vi) Dust handling equipment.
(vii) Material transfer points.
(viii) Waste disposal and reclamation sites.
(D) A full description of the facilities on the map, including the following information, where applicable:
(i) The road lengths and widths, average daily traffic, surface silt loading, classification of vehicle traffic, and other data necessary to estimate PM10 emissions from paved and unpaved roads and parking lots.
(ii) A description of each storage pile, including the following:
(AA) The type of material in the pile.
(BB) Its moisture content.
(CC) The silt content.
(DD) The throughput.
(EE) The equipment used to load onto and load out of the storage piles.
(iii) A complete description of the material processing facilities on the plant property, including the following:
(AA) A material flow diagram of the processing lines.
(BB) The rated capacity of each piece of equipment.
(CC) The existing control equipment and their efficiencies, including the process equipment served.
(iv) A complete description of the material transfer, inplant transportation, and dust handling equipment. Material transfer operations shall include, at a minimum, those operations contained in section 2(13) of this rule.
(v) A complete description of all other fugitive particulate matter emitting facilities not covered in this clause.
(E) The description of the proposed control measures and practices that the source will employ to achieve compliance with the emission limitations and data that prove its effectiveness.
(F) A list of the conditions that will prevent control measures and practices from being applied and alternative control practices and measures that will achieve compliance with the emission limitations.
(G) A schedule for achieving compliance with the provisions of the control plan. The schedule shall specify the time required to:
(i) award necessary contracts; and
(ii) begin and complete construction and installation.

Final compliance shall be achieved no later than December 10, 1993.

(4) The source shall keep the following documentation to show compliance with each of its control measures and control practices:
(A) A map or diagram showing the location of all emission sources controlled, including the:
(i) location;
(ii) identification;
(iii) length; and
(iv) width of roadways.
(B) For each application of water or chemical solution to roadways, the following shall be recorded:
(i) The name and location of the roadway controlled.
(ii) Application rate.
(iii) The time of each application.
(iv) The width of each application.
(v) The identification of each method of application.
(vi) The total quantity of water or chemical used for each application.
(vii) For each application of chemical solution, the concentration and identity of the chemical.
(viii) The material data safety sheets for each chemical.
(C) For application of physical or chemical control agents not covered by clause (B), the following:
(i) The name of the agent.
(ii) The location of application.
(iii) The application rate.
(iv) The total quantity of agent used.
(v) If diluted, the percent of concentration.
(vi) The material data safety sheets for each chemical.
(D) A log recording incidents when control measures were not used and a statement of explanation.
(E) Copies of all records required by this rule shall be submitted to the department within twenty (20) working days of a written request by the department.
(F) The records required under this subdivision shall be:
(i) kept and maintained for at least three (3) years; and
(ii) available for inspection and copying by department representatives during working hours.
(G) A quarterly report shall be submitted to the department stating the following:
(i) The dates any required control measures were not implemented.
(ii) A listing of those control measures.
(iii) The reasons that the control measures were not implemented.
(iv) Any corrective action taken.

This report shall be submitted to the department thirty (30) calendar days from the end of a quarter. Quarters end March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

(5) A source shall consult "Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors", Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, AP-42 Fifth Edition, January 1995*, Supplements A through G, December 2000** and Control of Open Sources of Fugitive Dust, U.S. EPA, September 1988** to determine the following:
(A) The information needed.
(B) The effectiveness of the applicable control practices and measures.
(6) A source listed under section 1(a)(2) of this rule shall be exempt from this rule if it can demonstrate to the department that its uncontrolled PM10 emissions are less than five (5) tons per year. An exemption must be approved by both the department and by the U.S. EPA as a revision to the state implementation plan.
(7) The evaluation of a control plan by the department and U.S. EPA or a request for exemption from the requirement to submit a control plan shall be based on the following criteria:
(A) The completeness of the description of the affected facilities located on the plant property.
(B) The accuracy of the methods and procedures used to determine the applicability of the rule.
(C) The completeness of the description of control measures and practices proposed by the source and any alternative control measures, and the accuracy of the data and calculations that document compliance with the emission limitations.
(D) The completeness of the data recording protocol for determining compliance with the control measures and practices.
(8) The department may require that a source revise its control plan if either of the following apply:
(A) A test of surface silt loading on a paved road shows that the loading is greater than one hundred (100) pounds per mile averaged over five (5) roads or five (5) road sections. The surface silt loading shall be determined using the sampling and analysis procedures in the U.S. EPA guidance document EPA 600/ 2-79-103, "Iron and Steel Plant Open Source Fugitive Emission Evaluation", Appendix B***.
(B) The department's evaluation under subdivision (7) determines that the requirements of the control plan have not been met.

* / **These documents are incorporated by reference and are available for purchase from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

***This document is incorporated by reference and is available from U.S. EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 or is available for review and copying at the Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

326 IAC 6.8-10-4

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6.8-10-4; filed Aug 10, 2005, 1:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3545