Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-11; IC 13-17-3-12
Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17
Sec. 3.
Where: C = Maximum ground level concentration with respect to distance from the point source at the "critical" wind speed for level terrain. This shall equal 50 micrograms per cubic meter (µ/m3) for a period not to exceed a sixty (60) minute time period.
Pt = Pounds of particulate matter emitted per million Btu heat input (lb/mmBtu).
Q = Total source maximum operating capacity rating in million Btu per hour (mmBtu/hr) heat input. The maximum operating capacity rating is defined as the maximum capacity at which the facility is operated or the nameplate capacity, whichever is specified in the facility's operation permit application, except when some lower capacity is contained in the facility's operation permit; in which case, the capacity specified in the operation permit shall be used.
N = Number of stacks in fuel burning operation.
a = Plume rise factor which is used to make allowance for less than theoretical plume rise. The value 0.67 shall be used for Q less than or equal to 1,000 mmBtu/hr heat input. The value 0.8 shall be used for Q greater than 1,000 mmBtu/hr heat input.
h = Stack height in feet. If a number of stacks of different heights exist, the average stack height to represent "N" stacks shall be calculated by weighing each stack height with its particulate matter emission rate as follows:
Where: pa = the actual controlled emission rate in lb/mmBtu using the emission factor from AP-42 or stack test data. Stacks constructed after January 1, 1971, shall be credited with GEP stack height only. GEP stack height shall be calculated as specified in 326 IAC 1-7.
326 IAC 6-2-3