Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 3-6-4 - ReportingAuthority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11
Affected: IC 13-14-4-3; IC 13-15; IC 13-17
Sec. 4.
(a) All emission tests for which a test protocol form was submitted to the department under section 2 of this rule shall be reported to the department in the form of an emission test report containing the following information: (1) The reported testing methods and results certified as true and accurate and in compliance with this rule by the person responsible for conducting the emissions test.(2) Information regarding the test, including the following: (A) A stack test result summary table that compares the measured emissions, in units consistent with the applicable emissions limitations, to the emissions limitations.(B) A description of the emissions unit or units being tested.(C) The date or dates on which the test was performed. (D) The type of tests conducted.(E) The type of process and control equipment utilized.(F) The source name and location.(G) The purpose of the tests.(H) The test participants and their titles.(3) Tabulated data and results, including the following: (A) The process weight rate or heat input rate.(B) The referenced or derived conversion factors.(C) The stack gas flow rate.(D) Measured emissions given in units consistent with the applicable emission limitations.(E) The average value of emissions from any continuous gaseous emissions monitoring system in units consistent with the applicable emission limitations if applicable to the pollutant being tested.(F) If applicable, visible emissions observations or six (6) minute average continuous opacity monitor readings.(4) A description of process and control devices, including the following:(A) A process flow diagram.(B) The maximum design capacities.(C) A fuel analysis and heat value for heat input rate determinations.(D) The process and control equipment operating conditions.(E) A discussion of variations from normal plant operations.(H) The volumetric flow rate (cubic feet per minute).(I) The exit temperature. (5) A description of sampling methods used, including the following:(A) A brief discussion of the analytical procedures with justifications for any variance from reference method procedures.(B) Specification of the following: (i) The number of sampling points.(iii) The total sampling time per run.(C) A cross-sectional diagram of the sampling site showing sampling points.(D) A diagram showing the following: (i) The stack dimensions.(ii) The sampling location.(iii) The distance from the nearest flow disturbance upstream and downstream of the sampling points.(iv) The diagram of the sampling train.(6) Sampling and analytical procedures used, including the following: (A) Results and calculations, including the following:(i) Units consistent with the applicable emission limitation.(ii) One (1) complete calculation using actual data for each type of test performed.(iii) Raw production data signed by the source official.(iv) Photocopies of all actual field data.(B) A laboratory report, including the following:(i) The chain of custody.(ii) Copies of all calibration data for equipment used in sampling as described in section 3(d) of this rule.(C) Applicable rules and regulations showing the emission limitations.(D) If applicable, copies of visible emissions evaluations or opacity monitor readings.(E) Copies of any continuous gaseous emissions monitoring system readings for gaseous pollutant tests.(b) The owner or operator of a source or emissions unit shall submit all emission test reports to the department not later than forty-five (45) days after the completion of the testing. An extension may be granted by the department if the owner or operator of the source or emissions unit submits to the department a reasonable written explanation for the requested extension not later than five (5) days prior to the end of the initial forty-five (45) day period. Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 3-6-4; filed Jan 30, 1998, 4:00 p.m.: 21 IR 2073; filed Aug 11, 2011, 1:54 p.m.: 20110907-IR-326050330FRA