326 Ind. Admin. Code 3-5-2

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 3-5-2 - Minimum performance and operating specifications

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-14-4-3; IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 2.

Owners and operators of monitoring equipment installed to comply with this rule shall comply with the performance specifications and operating requirements as follows:

(1) Performance specifications set forth in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B*, shall be used to certify monitoring equipment installed pursuant to this rule; however, where reference is made to the administrator in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B*, the term "department" shall be inserted for purposes of this rule, and where continuous emissions monitors were installed prior to March 1983 for measuring opacity, the performance specifications in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B*, 1982 Edition, shall apply.
(2) Cycling times, which include the total time a monitoring system requires to sample, analyze, and record an emission measurement, shall be as follows:
(A) Continuous monitoring systems for measuring opacity shall complete a minimum of one (1) cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive ten (10) second period.
(B) Continuous monitoring systems that measure the following emissions shall complete a minimum of one (1) cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive fifteen (15) minute measuring period:
(i) Carbon dioxide (CO2).
(ii) Carbon monoxide (CO).
(iii) Hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
(iv) Oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
(v) Oxygen (O2).
(vi) Sulfur dioxide (SO2).
(vii) Total hydrocarbons (THC).
(viii) Total reduced sulfur (TRS).
(ix) Volatile organic compounds (VOC).
(x) Particulate matter (PM).
(3) For opacity monitoring when effluent from two (2) or more affected emissions units are combined before being released to the atmosphere, the owner or operator may either install a COMS:
(A) on the combined effluent; or
(B) comprised of, and capable of combining the signals from, component transmissometers on each effluent stream. Results shall be reported on combined effluent. This requirement shall not apply to emissions units using wet flue gas desulfurization equipment. For emissions units using wet flue gas desulfurization equipment, opacity may be reported on the combined exhaust or on individual exhausts except as provided for emissions units affected by an NSPS as described at 40 CFR 60.13(i) *. Compliance for emissions units that opt to report on the individual exhausts shall be determined on the individual exhausts based on data provided in accordance with section 7 of this rule.
(4) When the effluent from two (2) or more affected emissions units subject to the same emission standard, other than opacity, are combined before being released to the atmosphere, the owner or operator may report the results as required for each affected emissions unit or for the combined effluent.
(5) Instrument full-scale response or upper limit of concentration measurement range for all opacity monitoring systems shall be set at one hundred percent (100%) opacity if possible. If the monitoring system is required by 40 CFR 60 *, 40 CFR 61 *, 40 CFR 63 *, or 40 CFR 75 *, then the appropriate instrument span values and cycling times pursuant to the applicable part shall be used. In all cases, the manufacturer's procedures for calibration shall be followed and may result in an upscale maximum response of less than one hundred percent (100%). The minimum instrument full-scale response for gaseous monitoring systems shall be set at two hundred percent (200%) of the expected instrument data display output corresponding to the emission limitation for the emissions unit unless a request for an alternative setting that provides the following information is submitted to and approved by the department and U.S. EPA in writing:
(A) The proposed alternate instrument span value.
(B) The expected range of pollutant measured concentrations.
(C) The control device in use.
(D) The process to be controlled.
(E) The location of the monitor, such as stack or duct.
(F) The reason for requesting the alternate instrument span value.
(6) The department and U.S. EPA may approve locations for installing continuous monitoring systems or monitoring devices that vary from locations provided under the performance specifications of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B*, upon a demonstration by the owner or operator that installation at alternative locations will enable accurate and representative measurements.
(7) Owners or operators of affected emissions units shall conduct CEMS performance evaluations, upon the request of the department or U.S. EPA, to demonstrate continuing compliance of the CEMS with performance specifications as follows:
(A) A performance evaluation is a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the performance of the continuous emission monitor in terms of:
(i) accuracy;
(ii) precision;
(iii) reliability;
(iv) representativeness; and
(v) comparability; of the data acquired by the monitoring system.
(B) The department or U.S. EPA may request owners or operators of affected emissions units, as described in section 1(a) of this rule, to conduct CEMS performance evaluations if the department has reason to believe, based on review of monitoring data, quality assurance data, inspections, or other information, that the CEMS is malfunctioning or may be providing invalid data over an extended period.
(C) The owner or operator of an affected emissions unit shall submit a written report containing the complete information of the performance evaluations to the department within forty-five (45) days after the test date. The department or U.S. EPA may conduct performance evaluations of the CEMS at any time in order to verify the continued compliance of the systems with the performance specifications.

*These documents are incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

326 IAC 3-5-2

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 3-5-2; filed Jan 30, 1998, 4:00 p.m.: 21 IR 2066; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1566; filed Aug 26, 2004, 11:30 a.m.: 28 IR 32; filed Aug 11, 2011, 1:54 p.m.: 20110907-IR-326050330FRA