326 Ind. Admin. Code 20-13.1-5

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 20-13.1-5 - Emission limitations and operating provisions

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 5.

(a) The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter not described in section 3 or 4 of this rule shall maintain the following concentrations of lead compounds for affected emission units constructed or reconstructed on or before May 19, 2011:
(1) From any process vent, at or below one (1.0) milligram of lead per dry standard cubic meter (forty-three hundred-thousandths (0.00043) grains of lead per dry standard cubic foot).
(2) From any process fugitive emissions source, at or below five-tenths (0.5) milligram of lead per dry standard cubic meter (twenty-two hundred-thousandths (0.00022) grains of lead per dry standard cubic foot).
(3) From vents venting fugitive dust sources, at or below five-tenths (0.5) milligram of lead per dry standard cubic meter (twenty-two hundred-thousandths (0.00022) grains of lead per dry standard cubic foot).
(b) The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall comply with the following lead emission limitations and operating provisions for affected emission units constructed or reconstructed on or before May 19, 2011:
(1) The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall maintain the flow-weighted average concentration of lead compounds in vent gases from a secondary lead smelter at or below two-tenths (0.2) milligrams per dry standard cubic meter (eighty-seven millionths (0.000087) grains of lead per dry standard cubic foot).
(2) The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall demonstrate compliance with the flow-weighted average emissions limit on a twelve (12) month rolling average basis, calculated monthly using the most recent test data available.
(3) Until twelve (12) monthly weighted average emission rates have been accumulated, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall calculate only the monthly average weighted emissions rate.
(4) The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall use the following equation to calculate the flow-weighted average concentration of lead compounds from process vents:

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Where: CFWA = Flow-weighted average concentration of all process vents.

n = Number of process vents.

Fi = Flow rate from process vent i in dry standard cubic feet per minute, as measured during the most recent compliance test.

Ci = Concentration of lead in process vent i, as measured during the most recent compliance test.

(5) Each month, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall use the concentration of lead and flow rate obtained during the most recent compliance test performed prior to or during that month to perform the calculation using the equation in subdivision (4).
(6) If a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) is used to measure the concentration of lead in a vent, the monthly average lead concentration and monthly average flow rate must be used rather than the most recent compliance test data.
(c) For new emission units, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall maintain the concentration of lead compounds in any process vent gas at or below twenty-hundredths (0.20) milligrams of lead per dry standard cubic meter (eighty seven millionths (0.000087) grains of lead per dry standard cubic foot).
(d) The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall meet the applicable emission limits for total hydrocarbons and dioxins and furans from furnaces specified in the following table. There are no standards for dioxins and furans during periods of startup and shutdown.

Emission Unit

Total Hydrocarbon (Parts per million by volume expressed as propane corrected to four percent (4%) carbon dioxide)

Dioxin and furan (nanograms per dry standard cubic meter expressed as toxic equivalency quotient (TEQ) corrected to seven percent (7%) oxygen)

Collocated blast furnace and reverberatory furnace (new and existing)



Collocated blast furnace and reverberatory furnace when the reverberatory furnace is not operating for units that commence construction or reconstruction on or before June 9, 1994



Collocated blast furnace and reverberatory furnace when the reverberatory furnace is not operating for units that commence construction or reconstruction after June 9, 1994



Blast furnaces that commence construction or reconstruction on or before June 9, 1994



Blast furnaces that commence construction or reconstruction after June 9, 1994



Blast furnaces that commence construction or reconstruction after May 19, 2011



Reverberatory and electric furnaces that commence construction or reconstruction on or before May 19, 2011



Reverberatory and electric furnaces that commence construction or reconstruction after May 19, 2011



(e) If the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter combines furnace emissions from multiple types of furnaces and these furnaces do not meet the definition of collocated blast furnace and reverberatory furnace, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall calculate the emissions limit for the combined furnace stream using the following equation:

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Where: CEL = Flow-weighted average emissions limit (concentration) of combined furnace vents.

n = Number of furnace vents.

Fi = Flow rate from furnace vent i in dry standard cubic feet per minute.

CELi = Emissions limit (concentration) of pollutant in furnace vent i, as specified in subsection (d).

(f) If the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter combines furnace emissions with the furnace charging process fugitive emissions and discharges them to the atmosphere through a common emissions point, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall demonstrate compliance with the applicable total hydrocarbons concentration limit specified in subsection (d) at a location downstream from the point at which the two (2) emission streams are combined.
(g) If the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter does not combine the furnace charging process fugitive emissions with the furnace process emissions, and discharges the emissions to the atmosphere through separate emission points, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall maintain the total hydrocarbons concentration in the exhaust gas at or below twenty (20) parts per million by volume, expressed as propane and corrected to four percent (4%) carbon dioxide.
(h) At all times, the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall operate and maintain any affected emission unit, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether appropriate operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the department that may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Monitoring results.
(2) Review of operation and maintenance procedures.
(3) Review of operation and maintenance records.
(4) Inspection of the source.
(i) If the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter owns or operates a unit subject to emission limits in subsection (d), the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall minimize the unit's startup and shutdown periods following the manufacturer's recommended procedures, if available. The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall develop and follow standard operating procedures designed to minimize emissions of total hydrocarbons for each startup or shutdown scenario anticipated. The owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall submit a signed statement in the Notification of Compliance Status report that indicates that the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter conducted startups and shutdowns according to the manufacturer's recommended procedures, if available, and the standard operating procedures designed to minimize emissions of total hydrocarbons.
(j) In addition to complying with the applicable emission limits for dioxins and furans listed in subsection (d), the owner or operator of a secondary lead smelter shall operate a process to separate plastic battery casing materials from all automotive batteries prior to introducing feed into a furnace.

326 IAC 20-13.1-5

Air Pollution Control Division; 326 IAC 20-13.1-5; filed Jan 30, 2013, 12:34 p.m.: 20130227-IR-326110774FRA
Readopted filed 10/18/2024, 2:09 p.m.: 20241113-IR-326230809RFA