326 Ind. Admin. Code 11-3-4

Current through September 18, 2024
Section 326 IAC 11-3-4 - Compliance determination

Authority: IC 13-13; IC 13-14-9; IC 13-17-3

Affected: IC 13-13; IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17

Sec. 4.

(a) This subsection applies to charging emissions. To determine compliance with section 2(b) of this rule, observations shall be made and the identity recorded from any point or points on the topside of a coke oven battery such that the observer can obtain an unobstructed view of the charging operation. The observer shall keep cumulative time of the total number of seconds charging emissions are visible. Time is started when a visible emission appears and is stopped when the visible emission expires. This procedure shall continue throughout the entire charging period. Visible emissions occurring simultaneously from two (2) or more separate points shall be timed as one (1). The following shall not be timed:
(1) Visible emissions from burning coal spilled on the top of the oven or oven lids during charging.
(2) Visible emissions from any equipment other than the charging system or charge ports.
(3) Visible emissions from standpipes during charging.
(4) Visible emissions from the charge port lids and the standpipe on the oven most recently charged.
(5) Visible emissions from coke oven doors which may be wind-blown across the topside of a coke oven battery.
(6) Visible emissions due to steam from uncombined water.

The time retained is the total time visible emissions are observed during a charge and shall be recorded on a data sheet. If the observations of a consecutive set of five (5) charges are interrupted by an event not in the control of the observer, for example, momentary interference by a passing quench car plume, then the data for the interrupted charge(s) shall be discarded and additional consecutive charges shall be observed. Five (5) charges observed as such shall be treated as consecutive charges. To determine compliance with section (2)(b) of this rule, the observer shall discard the data for the charge observed, during each set, which contains the greatest cumulative total number of seconds during which emissions are visible. A set shall consist of the total number of consecutive charges read by the observer during any one (1) observation period, but in no event shall a set exceed twenty (20) consecutive charges.

(b) Topside emissions requirements shall be as follows:
(1) To determine compliance with topside emission limitations in section 2(c) and 2(d) of this rule, the observer shall walk the length of the topside of a coke oven battery, on a line down the middle of the battery, or as close to as safety permits, to record the identity of standpipes in a single traverse and charge port lids in a single traverse that have any visible emissions. The following shall not be counted:
(A) Visible emissions from burning coal spilled on the top of the oven or oven lids.
(B) Visible emissions from charge port lids and standpipe lids, from a maximum of three (3) ovens, that are opened during a decarbonization period or charging period.
(C) Visible emissions from the standpipe on an oven being charged.
(D) Visible emissions resulting from maintenance work.
(E) Visible emissions from steam caused by the vaporization of wet luting material.
(F) Visible emissions due to steam from uncombined water.
(2) Visible emissions from charge port lids shall include all emissions from the charge port casting/lid interface.
(3) Visible emissions from the offtake piping assembly shall include the following:
(A) Any leaks from cracks and/or defects in the piping itself.
(B) Any leaks coming from the flanged joints of any pipes, including the final joint with the collector main.
(C) Any leaks coming from the standpipe base.
(D) Leaks coming from the standpipe lid or along its seal with the standpipe.
(E) Any leaks from the offtake piping assembly which are not contained in one (1) of the categories in this subdivision.
(c) This subsection applies to oven door emissions. To determine compliance with section 2(f) of this rule, the observer shall record the starting time of the inspection, then shall move steadily along the push-side or coke-side of a coke oven battery stopping only to record the identity of any doors of ovens not temporarily or permanently taken out of service that have visible emissions, but not including visible emissions due to steam from uncombined water. The inspector shall have any of the following options:
(1) To wait for any doors which are blocked from the inspector's view to become unobstructed.
(2) To continue the inspection and return when the view of the doors becomes unobstructed.
(3) To exclude the obstructed doors from the calculation of the total number of doors observed.

The finishing time of that inspection shall be recorded followed by the inspector repeating the same procedure on the opposite side of the same battery. The inspector shall be positioned either outside of the quench car tracks on the coke-side of the battery or outside of the push-side bench. After a brief scan of a coke oven door, the observer shall proceed in the inspection checking each succeeding door in a like manner.

(d) Testing to determine the amount of particulate matter emitted from any facility subject to a grain loading or process weight limitation of this rule shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Methods 1-5*.
(e) To determine compliance with gas collector main emission limitations in section 2(e) of this rule, the observer shall walk the length of the topside of the gas collector main, to record the number of points in a single traverse from which emissions are visible.

*These documents are incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

326 IAC 11-3-4

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 11-3-4; filed Mar 10, 1988, 1:20 p.m.: 11 IR 2550; filed May 12, 1993, 11:30 a.m.: 16 IR 2400; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 24 IR 1477; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1569; filed Aug 26, 2004, 11:30 a.m.: 28 IR 74