326 Ind. Admin. Code 10-1-4

Current through September 18, 2024
Section 326 IAC 10-1-4 - Emissions limits

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4

Affected: IC 13-12

Sec. 4.

(a) The owner or operator of an affected source shall limit nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from affected facilities by complying with any of the NOx limits specified as follows:
(1) Subsection (b).
(2) Subsection (c).
(3) A combination of limits in subsections (b) and (c).
(b) NOx emissions limits applicable to affected facilities are as follows:
(1) For portland cement kilns, the following:
(A) NOx emissions from each portland cement long dry kiln with a clinker production capacity greater than or equal to twenty (20) tons per hour shall not exceed ten and eight-tenths (10.8) pounds per ton of clinker produced on an operating day basis and six (6.0) pounds per ton of clinker produced on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis.
(B) NOx emissions from each portland cement dry preheater process kiln with a clinker production capacity greater than or equal to twenty (20) tons per hour shall not exceed five and nine-tenths pounds per ton (5.9 lbs/ton) of clinker produced on an operating day basis and four and four-tenths pounds per ton (4.4 lbs/ton) clinker produced on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis.
(2) For electric utility steam generating boilers, NOx emissions from each electric utility steam generating unit that has heat input capacity greater than or equal to two hundred fifty (250) million Btu per hour, and that combusts only coal, oil, or gas shall not exceed the following limits on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis:

Boiler Type Fuel Type Emissions Limit (lb/million Btu input)
Wall-fired dry bottom Pulverized coal 0.5
Distillate oil 0.2
Residual oil 0.3
Gas 0.2

(3) For industrial, commercial, institutional boilers, NOx emissions from each industrial, commercial, or institutional steam generating unit that has heat input capacity greater than or equal to one hundred (100) million Btu per hour, and that combusts only coal, oil, or gas shall not exceed the following limits:

Boiler Type Fuel Type Emissions Limit (lb/million Btu input)
Wall-fired dry bottom Pulverized coal 0.5
Tangentially fired Pulverized coal 0.4
Spreader stoker Pulverized coal 0.5
Overfeed stoker Pulverized coal 0.4
Oil fired Distillate oil 0.2
Residual oil 0.3
Gas fired Gas 0.2

Limits shall be complied with on a three (3) hour basis in accordance with section 5 of this rule; however, if a continuous emissions monitor (CEM) is installed then limits shall be complied with on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis.

(4) Each facility listed in subdivision (2) or (3) that simultaneously combusts a mixture of coal, oil, or gas shall comply with emissions limits determined by the following equation: Equation 1

E = (A × E1 + B × E2 + C × E3)/(A + B + C)

Where: E = the NOx limit expressed as pounds per million Btu.

A = heat input in million Btu from combustion of coal.

B = heat input in million Btu from combustion of oil.

C = heat input in million Btu from combustion of gas.

E1 = applicable emissions limit in subdivision (2) or (3) in pounds per million Btu for coal.

E2 = applicable emissions limit in subdivision (2) or (3) in pounds per million Btu for oil.

E3 = applicable emission limit in subdivision (2) or (3) in pounds per million Btu for gas.

(5) NOx emissions from any facility other than those listed in subdivision (1), (2), or (3) that emits or that has potential to emit NOx equal to or greater than forty (40) tons per year shall comply with an emissions limit that shall be achieved by controlling actual NOx emissions by at least forty percent (40%). This requirement does not apply to facilities of the type listed in subdivision (1), (2), or (3), including those that are smaller than the applicable size cutoff. Limits shall be complied with on a three (3) hour basis in accordance with section 5 of this rule; however, if a CEM is installed then limits shall be complied with on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis.
(c) Instead of complying with the emissions limits in subsection (b), the owner or operator of an affected facility may elect to comply with the following alternative emissions limits:
(1) Where an owner or operator of a source existing on the effective date of this rule claims that an emissions limit in subsection (b) is technically or economically infeasible, the owner or operator may petition for an alternative emissions limit according to the procedures in section 3(3)(A) of this rule and 326 IAC 8-1-5. An alternative RACT petition approved by the department shall be submitted to the U.S. EPA for approval.
(2) Instead of complying with the emissions limits for steam generating units in subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3), the owner or operator may comply with an emissions limit based on a fuel switching program. Provisions applicable to fuel switching are as follows:
(A) Fuel may be switched as follows:
(i) A coal fired unit may combust oil, gas, or a combination of oil and gas during the period from May 1 through and including September 30. The unit shall comply with the applicable limit for coal combustion in subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3) on an annual basis and the applicable limit for coal combustion during the period May 1 through and including September 30.
(ii) An oil fired unit may combust oil with a lower NOx emitting potential, gas, or a combination of oil and gas during the period from May 1 through and including September 30. The unit shall comply with the applicable limit for oil combustion in subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3) on an annual basis and the applicable limit for oil during the period May 1 through and including September 30.
(B) The owner or operator shall submit to the department a fuel switching plan addressing the following information:
(i) Date the plan will be implemented.
(ii) Identification of each facility to be included in the fuel switching program.
(iii) For each facility in the fuel switching program the following information:
(AA) Type of steam generating unit based on fuels used in the baseline year and the applicable emissions limit in subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3).
(BB) Fuels that will be combusted.
(CC) Emission rate for each fuel, including basis, expressed as pounds per million Btu, and the amount of heat that will be derived from each fuel, expressed as million Btu.
(DD) Period of time during the year in which each fuel shall be used.
(EE) A demonstration that the actual annual fuel Btu weighted average emissions rate shall not exceed the applicable annual emissions limit using the following equation:

Equation 2

EL = (E1 × H1 + E2 × H2 +...)/(H1 + H2 +...)

Where: EL = applicable emissions limit, expressed in pounds per million Btu.

E1, E2,... = emission rate of alternative fuels 1, 2, etc., expressed in pounds per million Btu.

H1, H2,... = amount of heat derived from alternative fuels 1, 2, etc., expressed in million Btu per year.

(FF) Monitoring and record keeping procedures.
(GG) Procedures that shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the emissions limits as follows:
(aa) Annually.
(bb) During the fuel switching period.
(3) Instead of complying with the emissions limits in subsection (b), the owner or operator of an affected source may comply with an emission limit based on an approved emissions averaging plan. Provisions applicable to emissions averaging are as follows:
(A) Emissions may be averaged between facilities located at sources in Indiana provided the following:
(i) The sources are under the control of the same owner and have the same designated representative.
(ii) The facilities in Clark or Floyd County engaging in the averaging plan achieve at least the equivalent NOx reductions that would be achieved if each facility complied with the emissions limit in subsection (b).
(B) Emissions may be averaged only between the facilities in any category in subsection (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), or (b)(5).
(C) The owner or operator of an affected source electing to comply with emissions averaging shall submit to the department an emissions averaging plan that uses 40 CFR 76.11 * as a guideline, except that the compliance averaging time shall be as specified in this section.
(d) The commissioner may require verification of the emissions rates used by the owner or operator in subsection (c)(2) and (c)(3) using procedures and test methods in section 5 of this rule.

*This document is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

326 IAC 10-1-4

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 10-1-4; filed May 13, 1996, 5:00 p.m.: 19 IR 2872; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1569; filed Aug 26, 2004, 11:30 a.m.: 28 IR 71