Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4
Affected: IC 13-17
Sec. 4.
Boiler Type | Fuel Type | Emissions Limit (lb/million Btu input) |
Wall-fired dry bottom | Pulverized coal | 0.5 |
Distillate oil | 0.2 | |
Residual oil | 0.3 | |
Gas | 0.2 |
Boiler Type | Fuel Type | Emissions Limit (lb/million Btu input) |
Wall-fired dry bottom | Pulverized coal | 0.5 |
Tangentially fired | Pulverized coal | 0.4 |
Spreader stoker | Pulverized coal | 0.5 |
Overfeed stoker | Pulverized coal | 0.4 |
Oil fired | Distillate oil | 0.2 |
Residual oil | 0.3 | |
Gas fired | Gas | 0.2 |
Limits shall be complied with on a three (3) hour basis in accordance with section 5 of this rule; however, if a continuous emissions monitor (CEM) is installed then limits shall be complied with on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis.
Equation 1
E = (A × E1 + B × E2 + C × E3)/(A + B + C)
Where: E = the NOx limit expressed as pounds per million Btu.
A = heat input in million Btu from combustion of coal.
B = heat input in million Btu from combustion of oil.
C = heat input in million Btu from combustion of gas.
E1 = applicable emissions limit in subdivision (2) or (3) in pounds per million Btu for coal.
E2 = applicable emissions limit in subdivision (2) or (3) in pounds per million Btu for oil.
E3 = applicable emission limit in subdivision (2) or (3) in pounds per million Btu for gas.
Equation 2
EL = (E1 × H1 + E2 × H2 +...)/(H1 + H2 +...)
Where: EL = applicable emissions limit, expressed in pounds per million Btu.
E1, E2,... = emission rate of alternative fuels 1, 2, etc., expressed in pounds per million Btu.
H1, H2,... = amount of heat derived from alternative fuels 1, 2, etc., expressed in million Btu per year.
*This document is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
326 IAC 10-1-4