Current through January 8, 2025
Section 307 IAC 1-3-11 - Continuing educationAuthority: IC 25-31.5-3-4
Affected: IC 25-31.5-6-2
Sec. 11.
(a) In order to renew registration, registrants are required to document completion of requirements as documented in this article for general skills continuing education units (CEUg) and field skills continuing education units (CEUf).(b) During the three (3) year registration term, a registrant must complete at least forty-five (45) CEUg credits. One (1) CEUg credit is equivalent to approximately one (1) hour of activity. The kinds of CEUg credits and maximum credits for each kind are listed as follows:(1) Professional meetings attended (not presented), no maximum, as follows: (A) Professional conferences, such as the following:(i) Soil Science Society of America.(ii) Soil and Water Conservation Society.(iii) Indiana Association of Professional Soil Classifiers.(iv) Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association.(v) Other professional conferences related to soil science.(2) Public and professional education, thirty (30) CEUg credits maximum, as follows:(A) Assisting in high school or college soil judging (evaluation) contests.(B) Educating kindergarten through grade 12 students in soil and water sciences.(C) Educating on-site wastewater professionals in soil and water sciences.(D) Administering assessment of field skills sessions.(3) Self-directed study in soil science, thirty (30) CEUg credits maximum, including the following:(A) Books, journal articles, and other printed material.(C) Educational television programs.(D) Internet presentations.(4) Community service that involves soil, water quality, land use, or similar topics, fifteen (15) CEUg credits maximum, including the following: (B) Serving on governmental committees.(C) Participating in community organizations.(5) Author or presenter (report time of preparation and of presentation), fifteen (15) CEUg credits maximum, as follows:(C) Conferences organized.(c) During a three (3) year registration term, a RSS must complete at least three (3) CEUf credits, one (1) in each of the three (3) skill areas. The hours of activity required for CEUg credit do not apply to CEUf credit. To receive CEUf credit, a RSS must participate in an evaluation session and submit his or her answers on a form that will be numerically graded: The skill areas are as follows: (1) Evaluation of the sand, silt, and clay contents of a soil sample compared to the contents determined in a laboratory.(2) Evaluation of morphological characteristics of soil horizons, such as texture, color, structure, and consistence, using core or other undisturbed soil samples compared to the evaluation of RPSSs appointed by the board.(3) Evaluation of pedon properties using a soil pit or similar exposure and evaluation of landscape position at the site, compared to the evaluation of RPSSs appointed by the board.(d) The board will arrange for a minimum of one (1) CEUf session each year. The purpose of the CEUf sessions is to maintain and improve the field skills of registrants. To maximize the educational value of a CEUf session, the official answers will be given soon after registrants complete their evaluations and hand in their papers. Interaction between the participants and official judges will be encouraged. Details about the contents of the skill evaluation and how a session is to be scheduled and conducted can be obtained from the IRSS office at the office of state chemist.(e) The board will tabulate the scores of each registrant and will periodically review the records. These scores are available only to the board. If the scores for a RSS are sufficiently low, in the judgment of the board, to hamper his or her professional work, the board may recommend that the RSS participate in more than the minimum number of CEUf sessions or do other remedial work.(f) The board may delay the enforcement of CEUf requirements in this article during the initial term while materials and methods are under development.Indiana Board of Registration for Soil Scientists; 307 IAC 1-3-11; filed Aug 29, 2003, 11:00 a.m.: 27 IR 58; readopted filed May 14, 2009, 1:12 p.m.: 20090610-IR-307090196RFAReadopted filed 5/15/2015, 10:58 a.m.: 20150610-IR-307150072RFAReadopted filed 11/23/2021, 1:44 p.m.: 20211222-IR-307210234RFA