25 Ind. Admin. Code 2-11-2

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 25 IAC 2-11-2 - State as non-occupying lessor; emergency procedures

Authority: IC 4-13-2-9

Affected: IC 5-16-1-1.6

Sec. 2.

If state owned property is under lease to others and is in a state of disrepair to an extent that a continuance in this state may cause a default in such contract, and time is not available to pursue the regular procedures for securing the necessary labor, materials and services to remedy the fault, then prima facie evidence of an emergency exists. If, in the opinion of the chief administrative officer of the department having jurisdiction over the property that an emergency exists and a need exists for procuring materials, labor or services outside the normal procurement procedures, he shall inform the Department of Administration and if the Commissioner concurs that an emergency exists, the materials, labor or services can be secured on an emergency basis as set out in IC 5-16-1-1.6 and 25 IAC 2-5-4.

25 IAC 2-11-2

Indiana Department of Administration; Public Works Division Sec K,2; filed Feb 29, 1972, 4:10 pm: Rules and Regs. 1973, p.9; filed Feb 3, 1982, 1:05 pm: 5 IR 516; readopted filed Nov 20, 2001, 9:30 a.m.: 25 IR 1265; readopted filed Aug 26, 2008, 8:31 a.m.: 20080910-IR-025080549RFA; readopted filed Oct 18, 2013, 1:38 p.m.: 20131113-IR-025130403RFA
Readopted filed 11/4/2019, 3:40 p.m.: 20191204-IR-025190494RFA
Readopted filed 10/25/2024, 12:07 p.m.: 20241120-IR-025240218RFA