Authority: IC 4-13-1.3-4
Affected: IC 5-22-20
Sec. 15.
Except in cases:
An offeror submitting a competitive sealed proposal must submit cost or pricing data which it certifies is accurate, complete and current as of a mutually agreed date prior to the date of the pricing of any contract awarded pursuant to a Request for Proposals, where the total contract price is expected to exceed $50,000.
A proposed sole source contractor must submit cost or pricing data which it certifies is accurate, complete and current as of a mutually agreed date prior to the date of the pricing of any contract awarded pursuant to the sole source provisions of the law, where the total contract price is expected to exceed $25,000.
A contractor who wishes to obtain a change order or modification pursuant to IC 5-22-20 must submit cost or pricing data which it certifies is accurate, complete and current as of a mutually agreed date prior to the date of the pricing of any change order or contract modification, whenever the original contract price exceeds $50,000 and the amount of the change order or contract modification is expected to exceed $5,000.
The department may require the submission of certified cost or pricing data prior to contract award in cases where only one qualified bid is received in response to an invitation for bids.
25 IAC 1.1-1-15