240 Ind. Admin. Code 5-5-1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 240 IAC 5-5-1 - Reporting system violations; form

Authority: IC 10-11-2-10

Affected: IC 10-11-2-10

Sec. 1.

(A) Reporting. One of the major objectives of the ILEEN Committee is to maintain a high level of performance on the ILEEN System. ILEEN is a system for all Indiana police agencies and each person involved should be interested in its integrity. So it behooves any agency or officer observing or overhearing an infraction to report the incident when it occurs in order to protect the integrity of the system and eliminate continued violations.

To assist in this area, an "ILEEN System Violation Report Form" was developed and is to be completed as follows:

1. Violation Date-Include month, day, and year.

Time-List time a.m. or p.m., and time zone.

2. Agencies Involved-List agencies involved by full name.
3. Car Identifiers

Involved-List actual car numbers of all units that were involved.

4. Violation Details-Be specific and list all pertinent details as to what transpired or was said, word for word if known. Use back of sheet if more space is needed.
5. Signature; Agency,

Date-The form is to be signed by the reporting individual along with the agency name and date. Once completed, the form is to be mailed to the following address:

Superintendent, Indiana State Police

Attn ILEEN Advisory Committee

Indiana State Police

100 North Senate Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46204

(B) Rules, standard operating rules for the ILEEN are defined in Section II of the ILEEN Manual. If read, understood, and followed, obviously the form would not be necessary.

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Your agency is invited to participate in the Indiana Law Enforcement Emergency Network (ILEEN). The purpose of this new law enforcement communications system is to provide car-to-car communications between all Indiana law enforcement agencies at all levels; municipal, county, state, and federal. This will be accomplished on a separate dedicated radio frequency of 155.475 MHz. This frequency will be used only as required for coordination and cooperation between different police agencies during emergencies. The enclosed forms must be completed and processed in accordance with the following instructions.

The form entitled "Request for Operating Authorization" will provide the ILEEN Advisory Policy Committee with the necessary eligibility information for your agency's participation in ILEEN.

Your agency's eligibility will be confirmed upon your receipt of the "Concurrence Form" signed by the Superintendent of the Indiana State Police.

If your agency desires to participate in ILEEN, fill out one "Request for Operating Authorization" and the two "Concurrence Forms" and forward them to the Chief Communications Engineer. After your eligibility has been confirmed, the State Police Superintendent will sign the "Concurrence Forms" and one copy will be returned to your agency.

Those agencies presently licensed and located within the Chicago jurisdiction should file a Form #425 with the FCC Washington, D.C. office requesting modification of their present license. Those agencies presently licensed but not located within the Chicago jurisdiction should file Form #400 with the Washington, D.C. office.

Agencies operating under another agency's license should contact that agency to affirm its inclusion in the provisions of the agency's license. This applies to Town Marshals operating on a Sheriff's license and all other such arrangements.

A copy of the signed "Concurrence Form" must be included with the FCC License Application Form. Also, a cover letter should be included stating operation will be in, by, and under the Indiana Law Enforcement Network (ILEEN) plan. The Federal Communications Commission has advised that frequency coordination is required for all new license applications and for present license holders outside the Chicago Region that are requesting modification.

If you do not choose to participate or are not eligible, we would appreciate your indicating this on the forms and returning them. If this condition changes at a later date, contact the ILEEN Advisory Policy Committee for instructions.

ILEEN will be operated in compliance with Part 89 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the regulations of the ILEEN Governing Board.

Agencies having a base station operation must obtain and install a monitor receiver on the channel; however, the primary licensee, Indiana State Police, will be the only agency licensed for base station transmitters.

Every effort is being made to get this information to every Indiana police agency utilizing two-way mobile radios. If you know of any agency not receiving this letter, please advise them to contact the ILEEN Advisory Policy Committee for instructions. It behooves each participant to monitor this channel and maintain strict system discipline so that this new law enforcement tool may be utilized effectively for the benefit of Indiana law enforcement.


Indiana State Police JTS: rw Enclosures

240 IAC 5-5-1

Street (State Police Department; Ch I, Sec III; filed Dec 20, 1978, 2:43 pm: 2 IR 143; readopted filed Oct 17, 2001, 10:05 a.m.: 25 IR 935; readopted filed Jul 2, 2007, 3:01 p.m.: 20070711-IR-240070255RFA