210 Ind. Admin. Code 8-6-3

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 210 IAC 8-6-3 - Room confinement or isolation

Authority: IC 11-8-2-5; IC 31-31-8-2

Affected: IC 31-31-8-2

Sec. 3.

(a) Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that juveniles are placed on room confinement or in isolation only:
(1) for the safety of the juvenile;
(2) for the safety of others; or
(3) to ensure the security of the facility.
(b) Room confinement is defined as the locked placement of a juvenile in his or her assigned cell or room for a period of time in excess of sixty (60) minutes. Isolation is defined as the locked placement of a juvenile in a room other than his or her assigned cell or room for a period of time in excess of sixty (60) minutes.
(c) Provisions for the use of room confinement and isolation shall include the following:
(1) The juvenile has the reason for the restriction explained to him or her and has the opportunity to explain the behavior leading to the restriction.
(2) The juvenile is advised of the disciplinary process and his or her due process rights.
(3) Juveniles are checked visually by staff at least every fifteen (15) minutes.
(4) If a juvenile is in room confinement or isolation longer than twenty-four (24) hours, at least every twenty-four (24) hours the facility administrator, or designee, who was not involved in the incident, must review and determine the need for continued placement restriction.
(5) If a juvenile is in room confinement or isolation longer than twenty-four (24) hours, the facility administrator, or their designee, in conjunction with a mental health, medical, or social services staff person, will develop a plan outlining the behaviors and expectations required for release from room confinement, including a plan for the juvenile's reintegration into the facility's programs and services.
(6) Juveniles are visited at least once each day by staff from administration and from mental health, medical, or social services to assess the juvenile's well-being and to reassess the juvenile for a less restrictive placement.
(7) A room confinement or isolation log is kept recording the following:
(A) The name and title of the individual who authorized the confinement and the reason.
(B) The name and title of persons visiting the juvenile.
(C) Time checks.
(D) The name and title of the person authorizing release of the juvenile from confinement.
(E) The time of release.
(8) Juveniles placed in room confinement or isolation are afforded living conditions, programs, and services comparable to the general population, including the following services:
(A) Education.
(B) Recreation.
(C) Mental health.
(D) Medical services.
(9) Room confinement for juveniles previously identified as a suicide risk follows the observation guidelines contained in the facility suicide prevention plan.
(10) When the juvenile's assigned sleeping room is used as the location for the room confinement, the juvenile is only allowed access to items authorized by the facility administrator, or their designee.
(d) When a juvenile is placed in confinement in excess of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours, the placing agency is notified.

210 IAC 8-6-3

Department of Correction; 210 IAC 8-6-3; filed 9/16/2022, 3:13 p.m.: 20221012-IR-210220072FRA