170 Ind. Admin. Code 4-8-1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 170 IAC 4-8-1 - Definitions

Authority: IC 8-1-1-3; IC 8-1-8.5-10

Affected: IC 8-1-8.5

Sec. 1.

(a) The definitions in this section apply throughout this rule.
(b) "Allowance for funds used during construction" or "AFUDC" means the cost of borrowed funds used for capital expenditures associated with a utility-sponsored demand response or energy efficiency program, and a reasonable rate on other funds when so used.
(c) "Commission" means the Indiana utility regulatory commission.
(d) "Commission analysis" means the required state energy analysis developed by the commission under IC 8-1-8.5-3.
(e) "Demand-side resource" means one (1) or more demand response programs or energy efficiency programs, or both.
(f) "Demand response" means a reduction in electrical usage for limited intervals of time, such as during peak electricity usage or emergency conditions.
(g) "Demand response program" means a utility program designed to implement demand response.
(h) "Demand response program costs" means the direct and indirect costs of a demand response program.
(i) "Electricity supplier" has the same meaning as set forth in IC 8-1-8.5-10(a).
(j) "End-use" means the:
(1) light;
(2) heat;
(3) cooling;
(4) refrigeration;
(5) motor drive;
(6) microwave energy;
(7) video signal;
(8) audio signal;
(9) computer processing;
(10) electrolytic process; or
(11) other useful work; produced by equipment using electricity.
(k) "Energy efficiency" means reduced energy use for a comparable or improved level of energy service.
(l) "Energy efficiency plan" means a utility's filing with the commission under this rule as required by IC 8-1-8.5-10(h).
(m) "Energy efficiency program" has the meaning set forth in IC 8-1-8.5-10(d).
(n) "Energy efficiency program costs" means:
(1) direct and indirect costs of energy efficiency programs;
(2) costs associated with the EM&V of energy efficiency program results;
(3) reasonable lost revenues; and
(4) reasonable financial incentives.
(o) "Energy service" means the:
(1) light;
(2) heat;
(3) motor drive; or
(4) other service; for which a customer purchases electricity from the utility.
(p) "Engineering estimate" means a calculated estimate of the change in energy (kWh) and demand (kW) resulting from a demand response program or an energy efficiency program, accounting for dynamic interactions between or among the programs.
(q) "Evaluation, measurement, and verification" or "EM&V" means the independent application of methods and processes used to assess the performance of one (1) or more energy efficiency programs or demand response programs, or both.
(r) "Free-rider" means a customer who would have implemented demand response or energy efficiency without participating in an energy efficiency program or demand response program, yet participates in a demand response program or energy efficiency program and receives an incentive or bonus for participation.
(s) "Gross demand reduction" means the change in kilowatts over a limited period of time that results directly from the implementation of an energy efficiency program or demand response program.
(t) "Gross energy savings" means the change in kilowatt-hours consumed that results directly from the implementation of an energy efficiency program or demand response program.
(u) "Integrated resource plan" or "IRP" means a utility's document submitted to the commission to meet the requirements of 170 IAC 4-7.
(v) "Load building" means a program intended to increase electricity consumption without regard to the timing of the increased usage.
(w) "Load retention" means a program intended to induce customers that have a bona fide option of switching to alternative sources of energy services or customer owned generation to remain as utility customers.
(x) "Lost revenue" means the difference, if any, between:
(1) revenues lost; and
(2) the variable operating and maintenance costs saved; by an electricity supplier as a result of implementing an energy efficiency program or demand response program.
(y) "Market effects" means the indirect influence of an energy efficiency program or demand response program that results in energy savings or demand reductions, or both, that have not been captured in EM&V activities.
(z) "Net demand reduction" means the portion of gross demand reduction that is attributable to a demand response program or energy efficiency program, adjusted for free-ridership and spillover.
(aa) "Net energy savings" means the portion of gross energy savings that is attributable to an energy efficiency program or demand response program, adjusted for free-ridership and spillover.
(bb) "Participant cost test" means a cost effectiveness test that measures the quantifiable benefits and costs to the customer due to participation in an energy efficiency program or demand response program.
(cc) "Participation level" means the actual number of customers participating in a specific demand-side program relative to the eligible number of customers available to participate in the program expressed as a percentage or a fraction.
(dd) "Penetration" means the ratio of the number of a specific type of new appliances or end-use equipment installed to the total number of new units installed during a given time.
(ee) "Persistence" means the percentage of energy-saving effectiveness remaining in a particular year compared to the initial year of the measure's installation or implementation. Persistence is a function of the following two (2) factors:
(1) Equipment degradation.
(2) Consumer behavior.
(ff) "Program administrator cost test" or "utility cost test" means a cost effectiveness test that measures the costs incurred by the program administrator, including incentive costs, and excluding net costs incurred by the participant, compared to the benefits incurred by the program administrator.
(gg) "Program participant" means a utility customer participating in a utility-sponsored energy efficiency or demand response program.
(hh) "Ratepayer impact measure test" means a cost effectiveness test that measures the change in customer bills or rates due to changes in utility revenues and operating costs caused by an energy efficiency program or demand response program.
(ii) "Rebound effect" means a specific effect where a customer responds to a lower relative cost of electric service by purchasing more electricity in the same end-use where an energy efficiency program is concentrated.
(jj) "Resource" means a:
(1) facility;
(2) project;
(3) contract; or
(4) mechanism; used by a utility to assist in providing electric energy service to the customer.
(kk) "Spillover" means additional reductions in energy consumption or demand by program participants beyond those directly associated with program participation.
(ll) "Supply-side resource" means a resource that provides a supply of electrical energy or capacity, or both, to a utility. A supply-side resource includes the following:
(1) A utility-owned generation capacity addition.
(2) A wholesale power purchase.
(3) A refurbishment or upgrade of an existing utility-owned generation facility.
(4) A cogeneration facility.
(5) A renewable resource.
(6) Distributed generation.
(mm) "Total resource cost test" means a cost effectiveness test that measures whether an energy efficiency program or demand response program is cost effective based on the total cost and benefit of the program, including both the participants' and the utility's costs.
(nn) "Useful life" means the period of time the investment in a measure remains cost-effectively serviceable.
(oo) "Utility" means an electricity supplier.

170 IAC 4-8-1

Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; 170 IAC 4-8-1; filed Aug 31, 1995, 10:00 a.m.: 19 IR 24; readopted filed Jul 11, 2001, 4:30 p.m.: 24 IR 4233; readopted filed Apr 24, 2007, 8:21 a.m.: 20070509-IR-170070147RFA; readopted filed Aug 2, 2013, 2:16 p.m.: 20130828-IR-170130227RFA
Filed 12/5/2018, 11:49 a.m.: 20190102-IR-170180127FRA
Readopted filed 4/11/2019, 9:04 a.m.: 20190508-IR-170190136RFA