Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89 § 112.83

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 112.83 - Teen Parent Services
a) Teen Parent Services (TPS) Program provides case management services that assist pregnant or parenting teens to participate in education and/or related activities to enable them to attain a high school or alternative high school diploma or GED certificate and move toward self-sufficiency. The major objectives of TPS include:
1) keeping pregnant or parenting teens in school and progressing toward achieving a high school diploma or GED certificate;
2) providing on-site or making referrals to family-centered activities and services to meet personal, physical and social needs;
3) to the extent resources allow, assuring that all of the pregnant or parenting young persons receive parenting skills, child growth and development instruction and health services delivery information;
4) increasing paternities established and support paid by providing information and follow-up on the Child Support Enforcement program;
5) instilling knowledge and modifying behaviors to enable long term self-reliance and thus breaking the generational cycle of welfare dependence; and
6) developing an individualized Responsibility and Services Plan to move to economic self-sufficiency.
b) Program Services
1) Teen Parent Services are available statewide. TPS participants who receive TANF are entitled to the same supportive services as TANF employment and work-activity participants as described in Section 112.82. Other TPS participants may receive supportive services as described in Section 112.82 to the extent the TPS budget allows. To be eligible to enroll, a person must be pregnant or a parent, under the age of 20, a recipient of TANF or other DHS services, such as Family Case Management, food stamps or Woman, Infant and Children (WIC) program, or DPA services such as FamilyCare, and not have a high school diploma or GED certificate.
2) A participant who attains age 19 may remain in the Program for advancement of the participant's plan in effect until his or her twenty-first birthday. Upon completion of the plan, TANF participants are transitioned to the adult TANF Program (see Sections 112.70 through 112.82). A participant of any age who is in high school may remain in TPS while in high school when classes are in session, or when enrolled and expected to attend classes following semester break.
c) Teen Parent Services Program operates as follows:
1) TPS is administered by the Department of Human Services. Depending on the address of the participant, the program is operated either by DHS staff or under contract with health departments, community agencies, organizations, entities and educational institutions that are experienced in working with youth and trained in Departmental policies, programs and services.
2) The Teen Parent Services Program shall:
A) Arrange and monitor the participant's education at a high school/alternative high school or GED program.
B) Provide a program orientation that includes:
i) information on program requirements;
ii) an explanation of the program activities/services, including program goals and participant responsibilities to attend classes for a high school diploma or GED certificate;
iii) an explanation of the supportive services available, including an assessment of the need for child care and transportation to attend classes;
iv) an explanation of the mandatory nature of the program for TANF recipients and the reconciliation process, including good cause and sanction; and
v) an explanation of the Department's programs, including but not limited to the income budgeting process (Work Pays); Child Support Enforcement Program; Child Care Program; and eligibility for the FamilyCare Program.
3) Conduct an assessment of strengths, weakness and career interests, education and employment history, family health including family planning and a record of children's immunizations that were done or need to be done, prenatal care and identification of a primary care provider. During the assessment process, the worker is to obtain or otherwise determine the participant's current literacy level. TPS will develop an assessment and plan for each participant. The plan for TPS participants who receive TANF includes an agreement by the participant to cooperate with paternity establishment and child support enforcement and attend parenting and life skills classes if required. The plan for TPS participants who receive TANF must also include an agreement to not voluntarily quit a job without good cause as determined by the TPS case manager. The plan for all TPS participants establishes the responsibilities of the TPS case manager in helping the participant set up a plan to become self supporting. The TPS case manager provides the participant with the services necessary to allow the teen parent to move toward independence, including, but not limited to: education, employment and training programs; supportive services such as reimbursement for child care and transportation; and help in establishing paternity, getting a support order and collecting child support. Once completed, the plan is to be signed by the teen parent, if the teen receives TANF.
4) Conduct workshops and/or activities of interest and concern to participants as determined to be helpful to preparing the pregnant or parenting teen to complete his or her education and obtain employment. These activities include but are not limited to:
A) parenting instruction;
B) child growth and development classes;
C) home and family management instruction;
D) decision making skills;
E) life skills instruction;
F) structured and supervised study time;
G) volunteer work and peer tutoring;
H) work study; and
I) job readiness.
5) Offer a case management approach to customer service that includes the use of intervention techniques to eliminate the barriers to ongoing participation and goal attainment by close monitoring and follow-up. The case manager works closely with the teen, his or her family and significant others in the process. The case manager provides or coordinates counseling and mediation services, advocacy, service referral and role modeling.
6) Facilitate health services delivery for pregnant or parenting teens and their children, particularly Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT); prenatal care; instruction on postponing subsequent pregnancy; health and sexuality education including risk reduction for STD/HIV infection and abstinence; and information on birth control and primary health care providers. Referral for drug and alcohol abuse prevention, violence prevention, and other health and safety related areas.
7) Having ongoing communication with the schools and/or community agencies that serve the teen parents to facilitate coordination of service delivery and school attendance.
8) For pregnant or parenting teens, provide assistance in the development of a child care plan and follow-up on referrals for the provision of child care. Referrals may be made to the Child Care Resource and Referral network (CCR & R) or any other customer serving agency in the community or any other source.
9) Conduct activities and events, including job fairs, related to employment development and job placement.
10) The following on-site or community education activities as needed: tutoring; GED; Adult Basic Education and literacy classes; return-to-school preparation classes; computer assisted literacy lab; computer assisted career exploration; or appropriate alternative.
11) On-site or community enrichment and goal directed activities such as: cultural, health, or education fairs; holiday celebrations; and paternal involvement sessions.
12) Regular developmental parent-child activities including: on-site family literacy instruction; education field trips; teaching child play and communication; toy making; and parent-child parties.
13) Upon completion of the TPS below post-secondary education plan, if the teen is under age 21, he or she may remain in TPS. For participants who receive TANF, upon completion of TPS activity or when otherwise no longer eligible for TPS, the case is transferred to adult TANF employment services.
d) Assignment to TPS Activities
1) Based on the assessment and plan, the participant is assigned to one of the following activities: Education, Vocational Training, Job Readiness, or Job Search. Participation in each of the TPS activities consists of performance of related activities such as: enrolling in and attending school, English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, training, or conducting a job search; and/or attending assigned group and/or individual activities. See Section 112.78 for description of program activities and participation requirements.
2) If a need for services other than or in addition to TPS services is determined, the participant will be assisted in obtaining necessary services or will be referred to the appropriate provider.
3) Every thirty days the TPS worker shall reassess the plan and determine whether to continue, revise or terminate the participant's plan and/or activity assignment.
4) If the plan and/or assigned activity are not suited to a participant's needs, the plan shall be revised with input from the participant and the TPS worker and, if necessary, the participant shall be assigned to a more suitable activity.
e) Teen Parent Services Sanction (TANF participants only)

See Section 112.79 for TANF sanction rules for failure to cooperate with Teen Parent Services Program requirements.

f) Good Cause for Failure to Comply with Teen Parent Services Participation Requirements (TANF participants only)

See Section 112.80 on good cause rules for failure to comply with Teen Parent Services participation requirements.

g) Termination of TPS Cases

TPS cases shall be terminated if the participant completes high school and is age 21 or older or completes other below post-secondary education and is age 21.

h) Reconciliation and Fair Hearings

See Section 112.77 for Reconciliation and Fair Hearings rules.

i) TANF Supportive Services Expenses

In order to enable TPS participants to engage in TPS approved activities or to provide access to services for the treatment of physical, mental and/or substance abuse related problems for themselves and/or their children, payment requests for certain education or training expenses, initial employment/job retention expenses, job search allowance, child care and/or transportation costs may be approved by TPS workers. (See Section 112.82.)

j) Assessment and Plan (TANF participants only)
1) A young parent who is required to participate in the Teen Parent Services (TPS) Program must complete the assessment and plan.
2) The plan defines the responsibilities the young parent must meet to receive TANF cash assistance and what services the Department agrees to provide. The plan outlines family needs, the required activities and necessary supportive services. The plan must be signed by both the young parent and the TPS case manager. The plan sets the following goals for the young parent and describes how the Department will help the young parent to meet these goals:
A) attend school to complete a high school education;
B) establish paternity for the young parent's child or children and obtain child support;
C) improve the young parent's parenting skills; and
D) seek and obtain full-time employment.
3) Completion of the assessment and plan is a TANF employment and work-activity requirement for TPS participants. Failure to cooperate in completing the plan shall result in a sanction as described in Section 112.79, if reconciliation is not successful, unless the participant has a child 12 weeks of age or younger.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, § 112.83

Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 4545, effective February 28, 2003