Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 410.210 - Information to Customersa) Bills rendered to retail customers for service shall clearly show at least the following: 1) The date of the meter reading, the number of days in the billing period, the energy used, the meter constant if applicable, the type of service rendered, a complete description of the service or rate classification under which the customer receives service, and the type of reading that was used in the bill calculation (such as actual, estimated or customer reading), and, for meters for which beginning and ending meter readings are used as billing determinants, the reading of the meter at the beginning and the reading of the meter at the end of the period for which the bill is rendered.2) In the event that a bill rendered to retail customers is not based on usage derived from meter readings, the bill must indicate the period of time for which the bill is rendered, the type of service rendered, and a complete description of the service or rate classification under which the customer receives service.3) The total amount of the bill and, when applicable, the following portions that make it up, listed vertically for easy readability:A) the monthly customer charge or portion thereof;C) the cost of energy detailed by the energy used and the price per unit for each change in the unit price;D) the cost of fuel adjustment;E) any other applicable adjustments (other charges not under categories of charges but relating to services, energy, or other programs provided to customers by the entity);H) infrastructure maintenance fee;I) transition charge; andJ) optional services listed separately;4) The due date of the bill.5) Definitions or explanations of any abbreviations and technical words used on the bill.6) The name and the toll-free telephone number of each service provider whose services to the customer appear on the bill.7) The average use per day for the period over which the bill is rendered and for the comparable period one year earlier, and an indication of the difference in temperatures between the two periods. If this information is not available for a customer, the bill shall so state.b) Each entity, upon request by a customer, shall transmit at a minimum a statement of the actual consumption of energy by the customer at the customer's present billing address for each billing period during the immediately preceding 12-month period for which that customer was receiving service.c) All electric utilities shall have on file with the Commission a proposed tariff under Section 9-201 of the Act [220 ILCS 5/9-201] that contains a bill form complying with the requirements of subsection (a). By June 15, 2001, all billings shall comply with the requirements of subsection (a).d) As mandated by Section 8-302 of the Act [220 ILCS 5/8-302] , whenever a customer for whom an electric utility provides metering service provides the utility with a written request asking the meter reader to leave a card showing these meter readings and dates, the electric utility shall have its meter reader leave a card showing these meter readings and dates.e) Each electric utility shall disclose to each of its customers information about the customer's service in a clear and concise manner. The disclosure shall contain the following minimum requirements:1) A description of the rates or charges for the rate classification under which the customer receives service;2) An identification and explanation of optional or experimental rates or classifications available to customers; and3) An identification and explanation of all charges that are not related to costs incurred in service and the supply of energy to that customer.f) In addition, for customers served under the residential and commercial classifications, this disclosure statement shall contain the following:1) An explanation of the terms appearing on the customer's bill form; and2) An example of how to calculate a bill using the customer's existing rate.g) Disclosure statements shall be provided: 1) To each new customer, not later than 60 days after the date of commencement of service, through a billing insert, separate mailing or direct customer contact by a representative of the entity providing billing.2) To all affected customers in the event of a change in overall rate levels. The disclosure statement shall be transmitted, at a minimum, within the second complete billing cycle after the rates become effective following the issuance of a final order in any rate proceeding. If the disclosure is sent during a period in which proration occurs, a statement such as the following shall be incorporated in the text: "This summary is being sent during a period in which proration occurs. Proration occurs when part of your bill is charged on old rates and part of your bill is charged on new rates. If an attempt is made to calculate your bill using this rate summary, your calculation will not yield the proper billing amount for this billing period, but will do so in subsequent months. We recommend that you retain this summary for future reference in computing proper billing amounts."
h) Each ARES shall provide to all residential and small commercial customers, at least annually, a disclosure statement with the following information: 1) the average monthly prices; and2) the terms and conditions of the products and services sold to the customer.i) At least annually, each electric utility shall provide to small commercial and residential customers an identification and explanation of optional or experimental rates or classifications available to the customer.Ill. Admin. Code tit. 83, § 410.210