Ill. Admin. Code tit. 80 § 150.10

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 150.10 - Definitions

As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings specified:

"Act" - "AN ACT in relation to the Department of State Police" (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1987, ch. 121, pars. 307.3 through 307.14) and all amendments thereto;

"Appointment" - The Director's authority to assign certified applicants to sworn positions in the Department of State Police or to assign applicants to the Academy;

"Background Investigations" - A review of character, integrity, education, job experience, credit, traffic/criminal records, medical history and other factors bearing on applicants' fitness to fulfill a Department of State Police Officer position;

"Board" - The Department of State Police Merit Board;

"Board Docket" - A chronological record of all motions, orders, notices, petitions and other documents filed in each disciplinary procedure before the Board;

"Bona Fide Applicant" - A person who personally completes and files with the Department of State Police Merit Board a formal written application for a Department of State Police Officer position for which the Department of State Police Merit Board is accepting applications on the date and at the place of receipt of the application;

"Candidate" -A Department of State Police Officer who participates in the promotional processes conducted by the Department of State Police Merit Board in accordance with prescribed Rules, Regulations and Procedures;

"Certification" - The Board's authority to designate applicants and candidates eligible for appointment or promotion;

"Chairman" - Chairman of the Department of State Police Merit Board;

"Classification of Ranks" - Delineation of the standards and qualifications for each designated rank;

"Complaint" - A written statement of charges filed by the Director seeking suspension in excess of thirty days, demotion, or discharge;

"Days" - Calendar days;

"Deputy Director" - Deputy Director in charge of a Division within the Department of State Police;

"Director" - Director of the Department of State Police;

"Division" - A Division within the Department of State Police;

"Executive Director" - Executive Director of the Board;

"Felony" - An offense for which a sentence to death or to a term of imprisonment in a penitentiary for one year or more is provided;

"Hearing Officer" - A person duly qualified and designated by the Board to preside over disciplinary hearings;

"Medical Examiner" - A licensed physician appointed by the Board who performs medical examinations and serves as an advisor;

"Notice of Disciplinary Action" - A written statement by the Director or Deputy Director imposing disciplinary measures of thirty days or less suspension, restitution, written reprimand, or loss of regular days off;

"Order" - A written decision of the Board;

"Petition for Review of Suspension" - A written statement by a suspended sworn officer seeking a review by the Board of a suspension of thirty days or less;

"Promotion" - The Director's authority to advance certified sworn officers to the next higher rank;

"Reporter" - A certified court reporter selected by the Board to transcribe hearings;

"Deputy Director - Deputy Director in charge of a Division within the Department of State Police;

"Suspension" - Temporary removal of a sworn officer from duty without pay;

"Sworn Officer" - Any State Police Officer or Special Agent of the Department of State Police.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 80, § 150.10

Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 5201, effective April 3, 1989