- Section 75.5 - Definitions
- Section 75.7 - Incorporation by Reference
- Section 75.10 - Official Classification of the Results of the Brucellosis Blood Test
- Section 75.15 - Permits to Conduct Official Brucellosis Tests
- Section 75.20 - Reports Required
- Section 75.30 - Tests Conducted at State Expense or for Interstate or Export Shipment
- Section 75.40 - Tests Conducted at Owner's Expense for Intrastate Movement (Repealed)
- Section 75.50 - Indemnity
- Section 75.60 - Identification of Cattle or Bison
- Section 75.70 - Herds Revealing Reactors
- Section 75.80 - Sale of Suspects and Negative Animals From Quarantined Herds
- Section 75.90 - Release of Herds of Cattle or Bison Under Quarantine
- Section 75.100 - Herds Revealing Suspects Only
- Section 75.110 - Identification Tags
- Section 75.120 - Requirements for Establishing and Maintaining Certified Brucellosis-Free Herds of Cattle or Bison
- Section 75.130 - Feeding or Grazing Cattle
- Section 75.140 - Sale of Quarantined Feeding or Grazing Cattle
- Section 75.150 - Cattle or Bison for Immediate Slaughter
- Section 75.160 - Female Cattle 18 Months and Over
- Section 75.170 - Release of Feeding or Grazing Cattle from Quarantine
- Section 75.180 - Cattle or Bison
- Section 75.190 - Additional Requirements on Cattle and Bison from States Designated as Class B and Class C States
- Section 75.200 - Slaughter Cattle and Bison from Class B or Class C States
- Section 75.210 - Official Calfhood Vaccination
- Section 75.220 - Recognition of Brucellosis State Status
- Table A - Brucellosis Standard Plate Test of Officially Vaccinated Cattle and Bison (Repealed)
- Table B - Brucellosis Standard Plate Test of Non-Vaccinated Cattle and Bison (Repealed)