Ill. Admin. Code tit. 8 § 270.75
State Fair exhibit or concession contracts or any portion thereof shall not be assigned, interest therein hypothecated or otherwise disposed of without the written consent of the Department. Obligations provided for in said contracts, including payments for space, electric service, or gas, shall remain the obligation of initial lessee, irrespective of approved subleasing or assignment otherwise provided. It is the Department's policy that contracts shall not be assigned unless death, injury or sickness of the original lessee makes assignment necessary in order to perform the provisions of the lease for that year's fair. Approved subcontracting does not transfer any rights to reapplication to the subcontractor, and it is the policy of the Department that subcontracting is only valid for the current year's fair.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 8, § 270.75
Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 9400, effective June 12, 1994