Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 2610.40 - Local Job Training Plana) The Local Job Training Plan Guidelines structure the local job training plan in three sections: the Administrative Plan, the Strategic Plan, and the Operational Plan.b) The Administrative Plan contains requirements pertaining to the administrative structure established in the service delivery areas (SDAs) and the systems designed to administer the local job training programs, as follows: 1) An overview of the structure established to administer the JTPA programs in the local area shall be provided that includes identification of the grant recipient and administrative entity(ies) selected by the Private Industry Council (PIC) and chief elected officials. If the grant recipient and administrative entity(ies) are different organizations, the relationship between/among them, e.g., roles and responsibilities, coordination, linkages, etc., shall also be described.2) Sufficient background information on the grant recipient and administrative entity(ies) shall be provided to demonstrate a capability for administering the plan/program and funds. Specifically, any audit deficiencies from previous years for which corrective measures have not been taken or are not acceptably underway shall be enumerated, if applicable.3) An organization chart, as well as a narrative description of same, shall be included that identify the functional units responsible for administering the JTPA programs within the grant recipient and administrative entity(ies). A list of all positions assigned to the JTPA programs and the identification of the cost category, i.e., administration, participant support and training, from which each position will be paid shall be provided.4) Those organizations within the SDA structure which are required to perform organization wide audits of all federal grants shall describe financial and compliance audit standards and criteria, procedures and the schedule for selecting auditors, procedures for resolving financial audit exceptions into allowed or disallowed costs, procedures for correcting compliance audit exceptions and the standards and procedures for aggressive debt collection. Grant recipients and administrative entities not required to perform Attachment P audits shall assure that they will cooperate with the Department in the audit of their JTPA programs.5) The fiscal systems to be implemented in the SDAs in handling JTPA funds shall be fully described to include such information as the following:A) the accounting books of record and chart of accounts used in recording the receipt and disbursement of funds;B) a listing and statement of purpose of each type of document to be used in authorizing deposits and expenditures of JTPA funds and disposition of other JTPA assets, including the authorized signator, by job title, for each of these documents;C) internal control standards and procedures for asset protection and expenditure control;D) procedures to control the classification of JTPA costs in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied to JTPA regulations;E) schedules for the reconciliation of bank account and the closing of books;F) the provisions and arrangements for bonding every officer, director, agent, or employee of the Private Industry Council, grant recipient, administrative entity(ies), and SDA subgrantees who are authorized to receive or deposit funds, or issue financial documents, checks or other payments;G) the provisions and arrangements of insurance that hold the Governor harmless from any liabilities arising from bodily injury, illness or any other damages or losses of person or property, or any claims arising out of any activity under a JTPA grant or agreement;H) the standards and procedures to be used to control JTPA property and maintain inventory records;I) the standards and procedures to be followed in maintaining and retaining records pertinent to all JTPA grants and agreements and procedures for access to JTPA records by authorized persons or agencies;J) a description of the payroll and check payment procedures for Title IIB, the Summer Youth Employment and Training Program, to include the frequency of payment to participants, method and location of payments, policies to safeguard against fraud and abuse, and procedures for handling unclaimed, returned, lost, stolen or missing checks and payroll complaints; andK) a discussion of other accounting standards which would affect JTPA fiscal systems or records but which have not been described above.6) A description of the purchasing policies, standards and procedures which will be followed in acquiring goods and services for use in conducting JTPA activities shall be included.7) The procedures to be followed in selecting subgrantees and other parties to provide employment and training programs or services in the SDA shall be described.8) The procedures to be followed as well as the criteria to be used in selecting worksites for the Title IIB program shall be included.9) A copy of the Worksite Agreement to be used for the Title IIB program shall be attached, along with an explanation of how this agreement will be updated to reflect current conditions throughout the duration of the Title IIB program.10) A statement that all data entry requirements for the JTPA programs will be completed and submitted in a timely manner is required.11) A description of the monitoring system that will be employed by the Private Industry Council and local elected officials or their designated entity(ies) shall be provided to include such elements as the frequency in which monitoring will take place, the format to be used to monitor the programs, corrective action and follow-up procedures and specific staff assigned to perform monitoring.12) The evaluation system that will be employed by the Private Industry Council and local elected officials or their designees shall be described to include such information as the procedures to be used in evaluating program effectiveness, frequency of evaluation activities and how evaluation results will be used in program management.13) A flow chart highlighting the participant movement through the local job training system shall be attached along with a brief narrative discussion of how the subsystems contained within that chart will function in the SDA.14) Title IIB participant attendance procedures shall be described to include information on the following items: B) the actual record that will be used to record participant time and attendance; andC) the signators of the participant time and attendance record.15) Local job training plans shall include written coordination agreements with the following state agencies: Department of Children and Family Services, Department of Corrections, Department of Rehabilitation Services, Department of Public Aid, and the Department of Employment Security.c) The Strategic Plan focuses on an analysis of the employment needs within the SDA, as well as the development of local goals and objectives. It also provides the objective data from which programs should be designed in the SDA as evidenced by the following requirements: 1) A list of general goals and quantifiable objectives for the SDA shall be included.2) A description of how the SDA goals and objectives will contribute to the achievement of the Governor's Goals and Objectives shall be provided, as well as a discussion of any planned activities in the local job training plan that would be inconsistent with the Governor's Goals and Objectives.3) Where required, the data sources used to provide the information requested shall be cited.4) The SDAs shall compare the planned level of service to substantial segments of the eligible population with the State defined incidence of each substantial segment in the eligible population and explain any variances between them.5) Any other groups in the SDA facing significant barriers to employment who will be targeted for job training services shall be identified, including the planned level of service for each group.6) A narrative analysis of the employment and training needs of the groups to be served under JTPA shall be provided.7) A description of how Title IIB program efforts will complement activities offered for youth under Title IIA shall be included.8) An economic profile of the SDA shall be provided which describes, in narrative form, employment trends, identifies the major businesses and industries of the area, and lists the educational and other training institutions in the area.9) Employment opportunities available in the public and private sectors in the SDA shall be identified. For each major stable or growing industrial category, stable or growth occupations in these industries shall be listed.10) The steps the Private Industry Council will take to assure that the administrative entities provide training for occupations for which there is a demand in the area shall be itemized.11) A description of how the proposed training will relate to the economic and demographic characteristics of the labor market area, as well as the needs of area employers shall be provided.12) An explanation of how the Private Industry Council will ensure that planned training does not duplicate existing training programs and services available in the service delivery area that are not funded through JTPA shall be provided.13) The arrangements in terms of a method or formula that will be used to ensure that services will be provided throughout the geographic area in an equitable manner shall be discussed.14) If applicable, the relationship between the Title IIB work experience component and occupational needs of the community shall be provided.d) The Operational Plan describes the activities and services to be offered in the Service Delivery Area under JTPA and presents corresponding costs. 1) A narrative description of the job training activities and services to be offered under Title IIA and Title IIB shall be provided separately.2) For each training activity and service to be offered under Title IIA or Title IIB, the following information shall be given: A) the duration of activities and services to be offered;B) the estimated number of participants to be served in each activity/ services; andC) the estimated cost per participant served for each activity/service to be provided.3) If applicable, the following programs are to be discussed in the local job training plan: A) specific programs which contribute to occupational development, upward mobility, development of new careers, and overcoming sex-stereotyping;B) subsidized employment with a private-for-profit employer for individuals 16 to 21 inclusive, who are economically disadvantaged, in accordance with Section 205(d)(3)(B) of the Act;C) efforts to provide academic credit for participation in JTPA programs;D) pre-employment skills program for individuals aged 14 to 15 years old;E) youth employment competencies established by the Private Industry Council, including a discussion of how the Private Industry Council will determine whether these competencies have been attained; andF) a request for costs in excess of the 30% administration/support services limitation posed in Section 108(b) of the Act that has been initiated by the Private Industry Council, including the conditions in the service delivery area which justify such a request.4) If applicable, plans to train other than eligible individuals residing in the service delivery area and the reasons thereof shall be included.5) If applicable, plans to transfer participants from Title IIA into Title IIB and the reasons for same shall be discussed.6) Plans to assess the job training needs of the youth to be served in Title IIB, including a copy of any assessment tool to be used, shall be discussed.7) Any participant orientation which will take place in the Title IIB program shall be discussed including such information as when orientation will take place, the organization providing the orientation, and the information that will be disseminated at the orientation sessions.8) Any worksite supervisor orientation which will take place in the Title IIB program shall be discussed including such information as when orientation will take place, the organization providing orientation, information to be discussed at orientation, method recording supervisor attendance at orientation and plans to provide such orientation at alternate times or places.9) The planned ratio of participants to supervisors at Title IIB worksites shall be presented, as well as a discussion of how the service delivery area will emphasize and ensure the availability of alternate supervisors for youth participants should the regular supervisor be absent for any reason.Ill. Admin. Code tit. 56, § 2610.40
Amended at 11 Ill. Reg. 11954, effective July 7, 1987