It is the policy of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to provide assistance in filling out this form. If assistance is needed, please ask.
NAME: _______________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE ______________________________________________
TELEPHONE NO. ____________ VOICE ____________ TDD ____________
The Best Means and Time for Contacting: _____________________________________
Program, Service, or Activity to which Access was Denied or in which Alleged Discrimination Occurred: ___________________________________________________________________
Nature of Alleged Discrimination: ____________________________________________
(Attach additional sheets, if necessary. If the grievance is based on a denial of a requested reasonable modification, please fill out the following page.)
I certify that I am qualified or otherwise eligible to participate in the program, service, or activity and the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
_________________ Signature | ______________ Date |
Please fill out this part of the form if this grievance is based on the denial of a requested reasonable modification. Reasonable modifications could include such things as providing auxiliary aides and devices and changing some policies and/or requirements to allow an individual with a disability to participate. This form should be filled in to the extent you know the answers. It may be submitted even if incomplete.
Reasonable Modification Requested:
The Date the Reasonable Modification was Requested:
The Person to whom the Request was Made:
The Reason for the Denial:
Estimated Cost of Modification (If an Assistance Device, such as a TDD or Optical Reader, or Commodity, or Service to which a Cost is Readily Known):
Why is the requested modification necessary to use or participate in the program, service, or activity?
Alternative modifications which may provide accessibility:
Any other information you believe will aid in a fair resolution of this grievance:
Please give to the Designated Coordinator of the Americans With Disabilities Program.
For Office Use Only
Date Received: ___________________ By: ___________________________________
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 4, pt. 925, app A