ADA/Civil Rights Program Formal Grievance Intake Form
Discrimination Based on a Disability
Denial of Reasonable Accommodation Request
It is the policy of the Illinois Department on Aging to provide assistance in filling out these forms. If assistance is needed, please ask:
ADA/Civil Rights Program Coordinator
Illinois Department on Aging
421 East Capitol Avenue, #100
Springfield IL 62701-1789
217/785-3346 (Voice) or 888/206-1327 (TTY)
Contact Information
City, State and Zip Code:__________________________________________________
Telephone No.: _____________ (Voice) _____________ (TTY) Fax No. _____________
Best Means and Time for Contacting: ________________________________________
Alleged Discrimination
Please fill out this part if you were excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, any program, service, or activity of the Department on the basis of a disability or have been subject to discrimination by the Department under federal and State civil rights laws based on classification characteristics such as age; ancestry, citizenship, color, national origin or race; creed or religion; disability; familial status, gender, sex, or sexual orientation; military status or unfavorable discharge from military service; or retaliation for having opposed an unlawful practice. A response must be provided for each line in order for the Department to take action. You may attach additional sheets for your responses, if necessary. Do not submit an incomplete form.
Program, Service, or Activity to which Access was Denied or in which Alleged Discrimination Occurred:___________________________________________________________________
Date of Alleged Discrimination:_____________________________________________
Nature of Alleged Discrimination:____________________________________________
Reasonable Accommodation Requests
Please fill out this part if your reasonable accommodation was denied. Reasonable accommodations could include such things as providing auxiliary aids and devices and changing some policies and/or requirements to allow a qualified individual with a disability to participate in any program, service, or activity of the Department. You may attach additional sheets for your responses, if necessary. A response should not be provided for any line that you do not know the answer.
Exact Nature of Disability:___________________________________________________
(Please attach a signed statement from a physician currently licensed to practice in Illinois.)
Reasonable Accommodation Requested:______________________________________
Date the Reasonable Accommodation was Requested:____________________________
Person to whom the Request was Made:_______________________________________
Reason for Denial:________________________________________________________
Estimated Cost of Accommodation (if an assistive device, such as a TTY or optical reader, or commodity or service for which a cost is readily known):_____________________________
Why is the Requested Accommodation Necessary to Use or Participate in the Program, Service, or Activity?___________________________________________________________________
Alternative Accommodations that may Provide Accessibility:________________________
Any Other Information You Believe Will Aid in a Fair Resolution of this Grievance:___________
I certify that I am qualified or otherwise eligible to participate in the program, service, or activity and the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Please return upon completion to the ADA/Civil Rights Program Coordinator at the address listed at the top of the front page.
For Internal Use Only
Date Received:________________________ By:_________________________________
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 4, pt. 1725, subpt. B, app A