b) If the owner or operator has already prepared a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan in accordance with federal 40 CFR 112, or some other emergency or contingency plan, the owner or operator need only amend that plan to incorporate hazardous waste management provisions that are sufficient to comply with the requirements of this Part. The owner or operator may develop one contingency plan that meets all regulatory requirements. USEPA has recommended that the plan be based on the National Response Team's Integrated Contingency Plan Guidance (One Plan). When modifications are made to non-RCRA provisions in an integrated contingency plan, the changes do not trigger the need for a RCRA permit modification. BOARD NOTE: The federal One Plan guidance appeared in the Federal Register at 61 Fed. Reg. 28642 (June 5, 1996), and was corrected at 61 Fed. Reg. 31103 (June 19, 1996). USEPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office, has made these documents available on-line for examination and download at www.epa.gov/emergencie (search for "one plan" or "integrated contingency plan" documents).