Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35 § 367.420
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 367.420 - Phase I Assistance ApplicationApplications for Phase I financial assistance shall be forwarded to the Agency by the lake owner no later than October 31 of each year. The Phase I application shall include the following information:
a) Application Proposal 1) A narrative statement describing the specific procedures that will be used to conduct a Phase I Diagnostic and Feasibility Study as required under Subpart J of this Part, including a description of public participation measures.2) A description of the division of labor and responsibility for the Phase I study.4) An itemized cost estimate, including justification of the costs.5) Mandatory lake information as follows:B) Lake location (including latitude and longitude of the lake center);C) Physical characteristics of the lake, including:i) Surface area (acres and hectares);ii) Maximum depth (feet and meters);iii) Mean depth (feet and meters);iv) Volume (acre feet and cubic meters);vi) Retention time (in years);vii) Major inflows and outflows.6) A summary of available chemical and biological data indicating the past and present water quality of the lake.7) A detailed description of the type and amount of public access and a discussion of the public benefits of protecting and restoring the lake.8) A description of the recreational, public water supply, and other uses impaired due to degraded water quality and a discussion of the causes and sources of impairment.9) A discussion of local interest and resource commitment in lake restoration.10) A description of a proposed Phase I monitoring program to provide for the collection of the information required in Section 367.1020 of this Part.11) Lake watershed characteristics as follows:A) Size (acres and hectares);B) Land use (each major use as a percentage of whole);C) General topography and major soil types.12) A listing of the major point source discharges in the lake watershed (including NPDES permit numbers).13) An estimate of the percent contribution of total nutrient and sediment loading to the lake by identified point sources.14) A listing of the major nonpoint sources in the lake watershed and a description of the control measures applied.15) A discussion of the lake or watershed management practices currently being implemented.16) A discussion of the anticipated lake protection or restoration methods and the projected net improvements in the chemical, physical or biological quality of the lake.17) A discussion of any anticipated adverse environmental impacts due to the lake restoration.b) Certifications The Phase I assistance application shall include a completed and signed set of certifications as provided in the Agency's application package.
c) Project Cost Summary The Phase I assistance application shall include a completed and signed Project Cost Summary worksheet as provided in the Agency's application package that specifies all expenditures requested for the project.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 367.420