1) The Agency shall notify the public by radio and/or television that a Yellow Alert is in effect; that the public is required to take action in accordance with these regulations; that the public is requested to avoid the unnecessary use of automobiles and of electricity; and that persons suffering from respiratory or heart conditions should take appropriate precautions.
2) Electric power generating stations shall effect the maximum feasible reduction of emissions by utilizing fuels which have low ash content and less than 1.0 % sulfur by weight (1.5 % in the case of fuel oil), provided, however, that emission from such stations shall not exceed the applicable emission standards and limitations of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 214; by limiting soot blowing and boiler lancing, where essential, to periods of maximum atmospheric turbulence; by diverting power generation to stations outside the area for which the Alert is in effect; or by any other means approved by the Agency. Such actions will be in accordance with the Yellow Alert Plan if such plan has been approved for that station.
3) Facilities having fuel combustion emission sources with a total rated capacity in excess of 10 million btu/hr and burning coal and/or fuel oil shall reduce emissions by utilizing fuels which have low ash content and less than 1.0% sulfur weight (1.5% in the case of fuel oil) provided, however, that emissions from such facilities shall not exceed the applicable emission standards and limitations of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 214; by limiting soot blowing and boiler lancing, where essential, to periods of high atmospheric turbulence; or by any other means approved by the Agency. If fuels of low ash and sulfur content are not available, such facilities with the exemption of residences, hospitals, and other essential facilities as designated by the Agency, shall curtail fuel burning to the maximum degree consistent with avoiding injury to persons or severe damage to property. Such actions will be in accordance with the Yellow Alert Plan if such plan has been approved for that facility.
4) Facilities engaged in manufacturing required to submit Yellow Alert plans shall curtail or defer production and allied operations to the extent necessary to avoid emissions in excess of those which would be discharged if the facility were operated in accord with the limitations prescribed by the regulations limiting emissions, insofar as such reductions can be achieved without creating injury to persons or severe damage to property. Such reductions shall be made notwithstanding any variance or program of delayed compliance with the regulations, and shall be in accord with the Yellow Alert plan if such plan has been approved for that facility.
1During each stage only those actions which cause a reduction of emissions of contaminants for which such stage has been declared are required. cf. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 244.102 through 244.109, and 244.168(b).
5) All open burning and all incineration except as provided below are prohibited. Certain burning of explosive or pathological wastes may be exempted from this restriction by the Agency in writing upon specific written application.
6) Incinerators meeting the emission standards and limitations of this Chapter may be operated only during the hours of maximum atmospheric turbulence as designated by the Agency.
1) All actions required during the Yellow Alert shall be continued.
2) The Agency shall notify the public by radio and or television that a Red Alert is in effect; that the public is required to take action in accordance with these regulations; that the public is requested to avoid the unnecessary use of automobiles and of electricity; and that persons suffering from respiratory or heart conditions should take appropriate precautions.
3) All incineration and all open burning are prohibited. Certain burning of explosive or pathological wastes may be exempted from these restrictions by the Agency in writing upon specific written application.
4) Facilities engaged in manufacturing and required to submit Red Alert Plans shall curtail any production, including the generation of process steam, which emits contaminants into the atmosphere, to the greatest extent possible without causing injury to persons or severe damage to equipment. Such action shall be in accordance with the Red Alert Plan if such plan has been approved for that facility.
1) All actions required during the Yellow Alert and Red Alert shall be continued.
2) The unnecessary use of electricity, such as for decorative or amusement purposes, is prohibited.
3) The use of motor vehicles is prohibited except for essential uses such as police, fire, and health services, delivery of food or essential fuel, waste collection, utility or pollution control emergency repairs, and such comparable uses as may be designated by authorized Highway and Law Enforcement Officials in accordance with the Illinois Emergency Highway Traffic Regulations Plan.
4) All aircraft flights leaving the area of the Emergency are forbidden except for reasons of public health or safety as approved by the Agency in advance.
5) Buildings shall be heated to temperatures no greater than 65° F except for hospitals and for other buildings approved by the Agency for reasons of health or severe damage to property.
6) All manufacturing activities shall be curtailed to the greatest extent possible without causing injury to persons or severe damage to equipment.
7) All facilities or activities listed below shall immediately cease operations:
Mining and quarrying, contract construction work, and wholesale trade establishments.
Schools, except elementary schools which shall close at the end of the normal school day and not re-open until the Emergency is terminated.
Government agencies except those needed to administer air pollution alert programs and other essential agencies determined by Agency to be vital for public safety and welfare.
Retail trade stores except those dealing primarily in the sale of food or pharmacies.
Real estate agencies, insurance offices and similar business.
Laundries, cleaners and dryers, beauty and barber shops and photographic studios.
Amusement and recreational service establishments such as motion picture theaters.
Automobile repair and automobile service garages.
Advertising offices, consumer credit reporting, adjustment and collecting agencies, printing and duplicating services, rental agencies, and commercial testing laboratories.
Yellow - Alert All Advisory Actions continue.
Government officials, public and submitters of Action Plans notified.
Red Alert - All Advisory and Yellow Alert actions continue.
Government officials, public, and submitters of Action Plans notified.
Emergency - All Advisory, Yellow Alert, and Red Alert actions continue.
Government officials, public, and submitters of Action Plans notified.
Yellow Alert - Public requested to avoid the unnecessary use of automobiles.
Red Alert - Fleet vehicles, other than mass transit vehicles and vehicles used for the delivery of grocery and pharmaceutical products, essential fuel, for emergency medical services and for such comparable uses as designated by the Agency, immediately curtail operations to the greatest extent possible in or into the area affected by the Red Alert and cease operations on the second calendar day of the Alert.
Parking lots for more than 200 vehicles, except for lots predominately serving residences, grocery stores, medical facilities, rail, bus and air transportation terminals, lots provided by employers primarily for employees, and comparable lots as designated by the Agency shall immediately curtail operations and close on the second calendar day of the Alert.
Road repair and maintenance not necessary for immediate safety and which, if suspended, will expedite the flow of vehicular traffic is prohibited.
Emergency - Motor vehicle operation in or into the area affected by the Emergency is prohibited except for essential uses such as police, fire, and health services, and comparable uses designated by the Illinois Emergency Highway Traffic Regulation Plan. All aircraft flights leaving the area of the Emergency are forbidden except for reasons of public health or safety.
Yellow Alert - Facilities engaged in manufacturing review operations and Action Plans, inspect emission control devices, determine areas of delayable operations; and from such steps revise operations so as to cause greatest feasible reduction in emission short of adversely affecting normal production.
Red Alert - All facilities with process or fuel combustion emission sources emitting a total of more than 100 tons per year or 550 pounds per operating day of organic material or of nitrogen oxides, and all other facilities not in compliance with the organic material and nitrogen oxides emissions standards of Part 2 of this Chapter, curtail all such sources to the greatest extent possible short of causing injury to persons, severe damage to equipment, or an increase in emissions.
Emergency - All operations curtailed to the greatest extent possible short of causing injury to persons or severe damage to equipment.
Yellow Alert - Electric power generating stations burning fossil fuels requested to reduce emissions in and into the affected area to the greatest extent practicable by adjusting operations system wide or by any other means approved by the Agency.
Public request to avoid unnecessary use of electricity.
Red Alert - Electric power generating stations burning fossil fuels required to take all Yellow Alert Actions and in addition discontinue power generation for economy sales and service to interruptable customers, and maximize purchase of available power.
Unnecessary use of electricity, such as for decorative or advertising purposes is prohibited.
Emergency - Electric power generating stations burning fossil fuel continue Yellow Alert and Red Alert actions and, in addition, effect the maximum feasible reduction of emissions by reducing voltage 2.5 % system wide, purchase all available emergency power, and requesting large customers (500 kw) to reduce their electric demand or by any other means approved by the Agency.
Yellow Alert - Public requested to limit space heating to 65° F, air conditioning to 80° F.
Red Alert - Public, industrial and commercial space heating limited to 65° F, air conditioning to 80° F except for hospitals and for other buildings approved by the Agency.
Governmental agencies except those needed to administer essential programs close.
Schools close except elementary schools, which close at the end of the normal school day and do not reopen until the Alert is terminated.
The loading of more than 250 gallons of volatile organic material into any stationary tank, railroad tankcar, tank truck, or tank trailer is prohibited except where an integral part of an industrial operation allowed during Red Alert.
Emergency - All facilities or activities listed below immediately cease operation; mining and quarrying, contract construction work, wholesale trade establishments, retail trade stores except those dealing primarily in the sale of food or pharmaceuticals, real estate agencies, insurance offices and similar businesses, laundries, cleaners and dryers, beauty and barber shops and photographic studios. Amusement and recreational service establishments such as motion picture theaters, automobile repair and automobile service garages. Advertising offices, consumer credit reporting, adjustment and collection agencies, printing and duplicating services, rental agencies and commercial testing laboratories.
Yellow Alert - Governmental or commercial installations established primarily for the burning of refuse shall postpone delayable incinerations, all other incineration and all open burning prohibited.
Red Alert - All incineration prohibited.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 244, subpt. D, app D