Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35 § 225.570

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 38, September 20, 2024
Section 225.570 - Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications
a) A project sponsor may request allowances if the project commenced construction on or after the dates listed in this subsection. The project sponsor may request and be allocated allowances from more than one CASA category for a project, if applicable.
1) Demand side management, energy efficient new construction, and supply side energy efficiency and conservation projects that commenced construction on or after January 1, 2003;
2) Fluidized bed coal combustion projects, highly efficient power generation operations projects, or renewable energy emission units, that commenced construction on or after January 1, 2001; and
3) All other projects on or after July 1, 2006.
b) Beginning with the 2009 control period and each control period thereafter, a project sponsor may request allowances from the CASA. The application must be submitted to the Agency by May 1 of the control period for which the allowances are being requested.
c) The allocation will be based on the electricity conserved or generated in the control period preceding the calendar year in which the application is submitted. To apply for a CAIR NOx Ozone Season allocation from the CASA, project sponsors must provide the Agency with the following information:
1) Identification of the project sponsor, including name, address, type of organization, certification that the project sponsor has met the definition of "project sponsor" as set forth in Section 225.130, and names of the principals or corporate officials.
2) The number of the CAIR NOx Ozone Season general or compliance account for the project and the name of the associated CAIR account representative.
3) A description of the project or projects, location, the role of the project sponsor in the projects, and a general explanation of how the amount of energy conserved or generated was measured, verified, and calculated, and the number of allowances requested with the supporting calculations. The number of allowances requested will be calculated using the applicable formula from Section 225.570(b).
4) Detailed information to support the request for allowances, including the following types of documentation for the measurement and verification of the NOx emissions reductions, electricity generated, or electricity conserved using established measurement verification procedures, as applicable. The measurement and verification required will depend on the type of project proposed.
A) As applicable, documentation of the project's base and control period conditions and resultant base and control period energy data, using the procedures and methods included in M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Projects, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, or other method approved by the Agency. Examples include:
i) Energy consumption and demand profiles;
ii) Occupancy type;
iii) Density and periods;
iv) Space conditions or plant throughput for each operating period and season. (For example, in a building this would include the light level and color, space temperature, humidity and ventilation);
v) Equipment inventory, nameplate data, location, and condition; and
vi) Equipment operating practices (schedules and set points, actual temperatures/pressures);
B) Emissions data, including, if applicable, CEMS data;
C) Information for rated-energy efficiency, including supporting documentation and calculations; and
D) Electricity, in MWh, generated or conserved for the applicable control period.
5) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section, applications for fewer than five allowances may propose other reliable and applicable methods of quantification acceptable to the Agency.
6) Any additional information requested by the Agency to determine the correctness of the requested number of allowances, including site information, project specifications, supporting calculations, operating procedures, and maintenance procedures.
7) The following certification by the responsible official for the project sponsor and the applicable CAIR account representative for the project:

"I am authorized to make this submission on behalf of the project sponsor and the holder of the CAIR NOx Ozone Season general account or compliance account for which the submission is made. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the statements and information submitted in this application and all its attachments. Based on my inquiry of those individuals with primary responsibility for obtaining the information, I certify that the statements and information are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false statements and information or omitting required statements and information."

d) A project sponsor may request allowances from the CASA for each project for a total number of control periods not to exceed the number of control periods listed in this subsection. After a project has been allocated allowances from the CASA, subsequent requests for the project from the project sponsor must include the information required by subsections (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3) and (c)(7) of this Section, a description of any changes or further improvements made to the project, and information specified in subsections (c)(5) and (c)(6) as specifically requested by the Agency.
1) For energy efficiency and conservation projects (except for efficient operation and renewable energy projects), for a total of eight control periods.
2) For early adopter projects, for a total of ten control periods.
3) For air pollution control equipment upgrades, for a total of 15 control periods.
4) For renewable energy projects, clean coal technology, and highly efficient power generation projects, for each year that the project is in operation.
e) A project sponsor must keep copies of all CASA applications and the documentation used to support the application for at least five years.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 225.570

Added at 31 Ill. Reg. 12864, effective August 31, 2007