Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 215, subpt. RR, app C

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 38, September 20, 2024
Appendix C - Past Compliance Dates

Prior to codification, compliance programs, project completion schedules, compliance dates and compliance schedules for all sources were regulated by Rules 104(a), 104(g), 109(h), 205(j) and 205(m). Past compliance date rules have been deleted from the text of the codified rules; future compliance date rules have been grouped with the rules governing the type of source. As an aid to the public, the old text of the compliance date rules are set out at length in this Appendix.

Rule 104(a)

Compliance Programs and Project Completion Schedules - Applicability

(1) No person shall cause or allow the operation of an emission source which is not in compliance with the requirements of Rule 205(k) unless such person is in compliance with a compliance program as provided for in Rule 104(g) or (h) or Rule 205(m).

2) Notwithstanding Rule 104(a)(1), cold cleaning degreasers, coin-operated dry cleaning operations, dry cleaning facilities consuming less than 30 gallons per month (360 gallons per year) of perchloroethylene, and sources subject to Rule 205(g) are not required to submit or obtain an Agency approved compliance plan or project completion schedule.

3) Any compliance plan or project completion schedule, where applicable, shall be a binding condition of the operating permit for the source.

Rule 104(g)

Compliance Programs and Project Completion Schedules Submission and Approval Dates

The owner or operator of an emission source subject to the following rules shall have a Compliance Plan and a Project Completion Schedule, where applicable, approved by the Agency by the following dates. A Compliance Plan and a Project Completion Schedule, where applicable, shall be submitted at least 90 days before the following dates.

1) By February 1, 1980. Gasoline dispensing facilities subject to Rule 205(p) and degreasers subject to Rule 205(k) located in Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, McHenry and Will counties.

2) By March 1, 1980. Petroleum refineries subject to Rule 205(1), except (l)(4)(10). Gasoline dispensing facilities subject to Rule 205(p) in Boone, Madison, St. Clair, Peoria, Tazewell, Rock Island and Winnebago counties.

3) By April 1, 1980. Degreasers subject to Rule 205(k) located in counties other than Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, McHenry or Will. Bulk gasoline plants, bulk gasoline terminals and petroleum liquid storage tanks subject to Rule 205(o), except (o)(3), located in Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, McHenry and Will counties.

4) By April 1, 1980. Coating lines subject to Rule 205(n), except (n)(1)(J), and (K). Bulk gasoline plants, bulk gasoline terminals and petroleum liquid storage tanks subject to Rule 205(o), except (o)(3), which are located in counties other than Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, McHenry or Will.

Rule 104(h)

Compliance Programs and Project Completion Schedules - RACT II Compliance Plan Submission and Approval

1) The owner or operator of an emission source subject to Rule 205(j)(1) shall submit to the Agency a compoiance plan, including a project completion schedule where applicable, no later than:


Days After Promulgation


Rules 205(o)(3), 205(s) and 205(t)



Rules 205(u)(1)(A) and (B)



Rule 205(n)(1)(J) and (K)


2) The owner or operator of an emission source subject to Rule 205(j)(2) shall submit to the Agency a compliance plan, including a project completion schedule where applicable, no later than December 31, 1986.

4) Unless the submitted complinance plan or schedule is disapproved by the Agency, the owner or operator of a facility or emission source subject to the rules specified in Rule 104(h)(1), (2), or (3) may operate the emission source according to the plan and schedule as submitted.

5) The plan and schedule shall meet the requirements of Rule 104(b) including specific interim dates as required in Rule 104(b)(2).

Rule 205(j)

Compliance Dates

1) Except as otherwise stated in subsection (2), every owner or operator of an emission source shall comply with the standards and limitations of Rule 205 in accordance with the dates shown in the following table:


Type of Source

Compliance Date

205(a) - (i)

New Emission Sources

April 14, 1972

205(a) - (i)

Existing Emission Sources

December 31, 1973


All Emission Sources

July 1, 1980


All Emission Sources

July 1, 1980

205(l)(4) - (10)

All Emission Sources

See Rule (m)


All Emission Sources

December 31, 1982*

205(n)(1)(J) and (K)

All Emission Sources

December 31, 1983


All Emission Sources

See Rule 205(m)(5)

205(o)(1) and (2) (o)(3)

All Emission Sources

July 1, 1981


All Emission Sources

See rule 205(m)


All Emission Sources

December 31, 1980

205(s) and (t)

All Emission Sources

December 31, 1983


All Emission Sources

December 31, 1983


All Emission Sources

May 1, 1983

*Except for automobile and light-duty truck manufacturing plants achieving final compliance under a footnote to Rule 205(n)(1).

2) If an emission source is not located in one of the counties listed below** and is also not located in any county contiguous thereto, the owner or operator of the emission source shall comply with the requirements of rule 205(1)(4)-(10), (n)(1)(J) or (K), (o)(3), (s), (t), or (u) no later than December 31, 1987:








Saint Clair

3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) above, if any county is designated as non-attainment by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at any time subsequ3nt to the effective date of this Rule, the owner or operator of an emissin source located in that county or any county contiguous to that county who would otherwise be subject to the compliance date in subsection (2) shall comply with the requirements of Rule 205(1)(4)-(10), (n)(1)(J) or (K), (o)(3), (s), (t), or (u) within one year from the date of redesignation but in no case later than December 31, 1987.

** These counties are proposed to be designated as nonattainment by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Federal Register, Volume 47, page 31588 (July 21, 1982).

Rule 205(m)

Compliance Schedules

The requirements of this section shall not apply to any source for which a Project Completion Schedule has been submitted to and approved by the Agency under Rule 104. The owner of any emission source subject to the requirements of this section shall certify to the Agency by January 15 of each year beginning January 15, 1980, whether increments of progress required to be met in the previous year have been met.

1) Coating Lines

The owner or operator of coating lines subject to the requirements of Rule 205(n), except (n)(1)(J) and (K), shall take the following actions:

(A) Submit to the Agency a Compliance Program that meets the requirements of Rule 104(b)(1) by January 1, 1980.

(B) For sources that, under the approved Compliance Plan, will comply with Rule 205(n) by use of low solvent coating technology the following encrements of progress, shall be met:

(i) Submit to the Agency by July 1, 1980 and every six months there after a report describing in detail the progress in the previous six months in the development, application testing, product quality, customer acceptance and FDA or other government agency approval of the low solvent coating technology.

ii) Initiate process modifications to allow use of low solvent coatings by April 1, 1982.

iii) Complete process modifications to allow use of low solvent coatings by October 1, 1982.

C) For sources that, under the approved Compliance Plan, will comply with Rule 205(n) by installing emissin control equipment, the following increments of progress shall be met:

i) Award contracts for the emission control wquipment or issue orders for the purchase of component parts by July 1, 1980.

ii) Initiate on-site construction or installagion of the emission control equipment by July 1, 1982.

iii) Complete on-site construction or installation of the emission control equipment by October 1, 1982.

2) Bulk Gasoline Plants, Bulk Gasoline Terminals, Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks

The owner of an emission source subject to the requirements of Rule 205(o), except (o)(3), shall take the following actions:

A) Submit to the Agency a Complaice Program that meets the requirements of Rule 104(b)(1) by the date specified in Rule 104(g);

B) Award contracts for emission control systems or issue orders for the purchase of component parts by July 1, 1980.

C) Initiate on-site construction or installation of the emission control system by January 1, 1981.

D) Complete on-site construction or installation of the emission control system and achieve final compliance by July 1, 1981.

3) Gasoline Dispensing Facilities

Owners of gasoline dispensing facilities subject to the requirements of Rule 205(p) shall take the following actions:

A) Submit to the Agency a Compliance Program that meets the requirements of Rule 104(b)(1) by the date specified in Rule 104(g);

B) Achieve final compliance for 33 percent of all gasoline dispensing facilities owned by the owenr by July 1, 1980.

C) Achieve final complinace for 66 percent of all gasoline dispensing facilities owned by the owner by July 1, 1981.

D) Achieve final compliance for 100 percent of all gasoline dispensing facilities owned by the owenr by July 1, 1982.

4) Petroleum Refinery Leaks

The owner or operator of a petroleum refinery shall adhere to the increments of progress contained in the following schedule:

A) Submit to the Agency a monitoring program plan consistent with Rule 205(1)(5) prior to June 1, 1983.

B) Submit the first monitoring report pursuant to Rule 205(1)(6)(A)(i) to the Agency prior to July 1, 1983.

5) Coating Lines Subject to Rule 205(n)(1)(K)(ii)

The owner or operator of coating lines subject to Rule 205(n)(1)(k)(ii) may in lieu of compliance with Rule 205(j)(1) demonstrate compliance through the use of a low solvent coating technology by taking the following actions:

A) Submit to the Agency a Compliance Poan, including project completion schedule, that meets the requirements of Rule 104(b)(1) within 210 days after the effective date of this rule; and

B) Meet the following increments of progress:

i) Submit to the Agency by July 1, 1984 and every six months thereafter a report describing indetail the progress made in the development, application testing, product quality, customer acceptance, and FDA or government agency approval of the low solvent coating technology;

ii) Initiate process modifications to allow the use of low solvent coatings as soon as coatings meeting Board requirements become commercially available for production use; and

iii) Achieve final compliance as expeditiously as possible bur no later than December 31, 1984.

6) Rotogravure and Flexography Low Solvent Ink Alternative Compliance Plan

The owner or operator of an emission source subject to Rule 205(s) may in lieu of compliance with Rules 104(h)(1)(A) and 205(j) demonstrate compliance through the use of a low solvent ink program by taking the following actions:

A) Submit to the Agency a Compliance Plan, including a compliance schedule, by December 31, 1983 which demonstrates:

i) substantial emission reductions early in the compliance schedule;

ii) greater reductions in emissions than would have occurre dwithout a low solvent ink program; and

iii) final compliance as expeditiously as possible but no later than December 31, 1987; and

B) Certify to the Agency that

i) a low solvent ink compliance strategy is not technically available which would not enable the emission source to achieve compliance by the date specified in Rule 205(j); and

ii) an unreasonable economic burden would be incurred if the owner or operator were required to demonstrate compliance by the date specified in Rule 205(j); and

C) Agree to install one of the control alternatives specified in Rule 205(s)(1)(C) by June 31, 1986 if the specified low-solvent ink strategy fails to achieve scheduled reductions by December 31, 1985.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 215, subpt. RR, app C