ABS | acrylonitrile butadiene styrene |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
bbl | barrels (42 gallons) |
btu | British thermal units (60°F) |
btu/hr | btu per hour |
°C | degrees Celsius or Centigrade |
CAAPP | Clean Air Act Permit Program |
cm | centimeters |
cu in | cubic inches |
EDP | electrodeposition primer |
EMI/RFI | electromagnetic interference/radio frequency interference |
EPDM | ethylene propylenediene monomer |
EGU | Electrical Generating Unit |
°F | degrees Fahrenheit |
FIP | Federal Implementation Plan |
ft | feet |
ft2 | square feet |
ft3 | cubic feet |
g | grams |
gpm | gallons per minute |
g/mole | grams per mole |
gal | gallons |
hp | horsepower |
hr | hours |
in | inch |
°K | degrees Kelvin |
kcal | kilocalories |
kg | kilograms |
kg/hr | kilograms per hour |
kPa | kilopascals; one thousand newtons per square meter |
kW | kilowatt |
l | liters |
l/sec | liters per second |
lbs | pounds |
lbs/day | pounds per day |
lbs/hr | pounds per hour |
lbs/gal | pounds per gallon |
lbs/yr | pounds per year |
LEL | lower explosive limit |
m | meters |
m2 | square meters |
m3 | cubic meters |
mg | milligrams |
Mg | Megagrams, metric tons or tonnes |
ml | milliliters |
min | minutes |
MJ | megajoules |
mmbtu | million British thermal units |
mmbtu/hr | million British thermal units per hour |
mmHg | millimeters of mercury |
MTE | maximum theoretical emissions |
Mwe | megawatt of electricity |
MW | megawatt; one million watts |
MW-hr | megawatt per hour |
NDO | natural draft opening |
Nox | nitrogen oxides |
peoc | potential electrical output capacity |
ppm (vol) | parts per million |
ppmv | parts per million by volume |
ppmvd | parts per million by volume dry |
psi | pounds per square inch |
psia | pounds per square inch absolute |
psig | pounds per square inch gauge |
PTE | potential to emit |
RACT | reasonably available control technology |
RT | solids turnover ratio |
scf | standard cubic feet |
scm | standard cubic meters |
sec | seconds |
SIP | State Implementation Plan |
TTE | temporary total enclosure |
sq cm | square centimeters |
sq in | square inches |
T | short ton (2,000 lbs) |
ton | short ton (2,000 lbs) |
TPY | tons per year |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
VOC | volatile organic compounds |
VOL | volatile organic liquids |
VOM | volatile organic materials |
English | Metric |
1 gal | 3.785 l |
1,000 gal | 3,785 l or 3.785 m3 |
1 psia | 6.897 kPA (51.71 mmHg) |
2.205 lbs | 1 kg |
32° | 0°C (273.15 °K) |
1 bbl | 159.0 1 |
1 cu in | 16.39 ml |
1 lb/gal | 119,800 mg/l |
1 lb/mmbtu | 1.548 kg/MW-hr |
1 lb/T | 0.500 kg/Mg |
1 ton | 0.907 Mg |
1 T | 0.907 Mg |
mmbtu/hr | 0.293 MW |
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 211.102
Amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 14119, effective September 14, 2010