Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 1600, subpt. C, app A
This Appendix A lists the four key elements of a CRP for an authorized party proceeding under Section 1600.315 and several factors that might be included with each element in a CRP prepared for the site where the release occurred. Unless otherwise required by rule, all the factors listed with each element may not be necessary for each site developing and implementing a CRP under this Part, but each factor should be considered when developing the CRP.
1. Site/Facility Description: The CRP should provide a brief overview of the site where the release occurred, including a description of the business, site or facility, its current operations, previous land uses and previous remedial activities; the nature and extent of known contamination; and the known or potential threat to public health and the environment. The overview should include a map to an appropriate scale detailing the site location and surrounding area and showing roads and streets, homes and businesses, and geographic and other significant features.
2. Community Issues and Concerns: The CRP should provide a brief summary of the demographics of the area surrounding the site where the release occurred, including the approximate percentage of non-English speaking persons among the affected, potentially affected, and interested persons and their preferred language, key community concerns, and preferred methods of communication as learned through research, interviews, and surveys of a representative sample of affected, potentially affected, and interested persons identified through the process outlined in the fourth element below.
3. Community Relations Program: The CRP should describe the community relations program objectives, action plan, and schedule to keep affected, potentially affected, and interested persons apprised of site conditions, response actions, and actual or potential public health impacts. This section also should explain how the public will be notified of mailings or meetings. The contact persons and contact information for public inquiries should be clearly defined. Additionally, details about the location of, and access to, the document repository should be outlined in this section of the CRP.
4. Contact List: The CRP should outline the process for identifying and updating a contact list and developing a contact database of affected, potentially affected, and interested persons, including:
A. Owners of offsite properties served by private, semi-private, or non-community water systems that have been or may be impacted by groundwater contamination from the release;
B. Owners and operators of community water system wells that have been or may be impacted by groundwater contamination from the release;
C. Owners of offsite properties without potable water supply wells but with groundwater that has been or may be impacted by groundwater contamination from the release;
D. Owners of offsite properties with buildings located above groundwater with measured contamination from volatile chemicals that poses a threat of indoor inhalation exposure above the appropriate Tier 1 remediation objectives for the current uses;
E. Owners of offsite properties with soil contamination posing a threat of exposure above the appropriate Tier 1 remediation objectives for the current uses;
F. Owners of offsite properties with measured soil gas contamination posing a threat of exposure above the appropriate Tier 1 remediation objectives for the current uses;
G. Occupants of properties identified in paragraphs A, D, E, and F to the extent reasonably practicable. The CRP must include the methods by which the authorized party will attempt to identify the occupants;
H. Government officials serving the affected and potentially affected properties, including federal and State legislators, county board chairpersons and county clerks, mayors or village presidents, city or village clerks, and environmental health administrators for State and county health departments. Officials of specialized districts (e.g., school, drainage, park districts) may be excluded from the contact list unless required under Section 1600.315(b)(2)(D)(i) through (b)(2)(D)(vii), or (b)(2)(D)(ix); and
I. Citizens, identified groups, organizations, or businesses within a minimum of 1,000 feet from the site where the release occurred that may have an interest in learning about affected and potentially affected properties. These persons may include public and private school administrators, parent organization leaders; day care center, senior center and nursing home management; neighborhood or homeowner association or other community leaders as identified; hospital and clinic management; and recognized environmental or citizen advisory groups. If approved by the Agency, the initial minimum distance of 1,000 feet may be expanded or contracted as the CRP and contact list are updated based on new information developed during the response action.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 1600, subpt. C, app A