The following definitions are applicable for use in this Part only. Additional definitions for use in this Part are located in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310.20.
"Application" means a request filed with the Agency for a license, amendment, termination, renewal, sealed source or device evaluation, amendment to a sealed source or device evaluation or an exemption granted by the Agency pursuant to 32 Ill. Adm. Code: Chapter II.
"Amendment" means a modification in the license document that reflects changes to a radiation safety program or modifications to a sealed source or device evaluation.
"Anniversary date" means the last day of the month for each year the license is in effect, corresponding to the month in which the license expires.
AGENCY NOTE: For purposes of this Part, the 28th shall be considered the last day of the month of February.
"Billing year" means the period of time from October 1 of one year to September 30 of the following year.
"Category I irradiator" means a gamma irradiator in which the sealed source is completely contained in a dry container constructed of solid material, the sealed source is shielded at all times, and human access to the sealed source and the volume undergoing irradiation is not physically possible because of the design of the irradiator.
"Category II irradiator" means a controlled human access gamma irradiator in which the sealed source is contained in a dry container constructed of solid materials, is fully shielded when not in use and is exposed within a radiation volume that is maintained inaccessible during use by an entry control system.
"Category III irradiator" means a gamma irradiator in which the sealed source is contained in a storage pool, the sealed source is shielded at all times, and human access to the sealed source and the volume undergoing irradiation is physically restricted in its design configuration and proper mode of use.
"Category IV irradiator" means a controlled human access gamma irradiator in which the sealed source is contained in a storage pool, is fully shielded when not in use and is exposed within a radiation volume that is maintained inaccessible during use by an entry control system.
"Confirmatory environmental monitoring" means those surveys conducted by the Agency either to establish whether the licensee has complied with the concentrations and exposure limits or dose limits specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 332, 340, 601 or 606, or to provide data to evaluate potential health and environmental impacts resulting from licensed activities.
"Custom sealed source or device evaluation" means a document issued by the Agency for either a sealed source or a device containing radioactive material, built to the unique specifications for use at the site specified in the evaluation.
"Dispensing" means to remove aliquots of radioactive material from bulk stock and distribute portions to another licensee or to a person exempt from licensure.
"Distribution" means the transfer of radioactive material to three or more licensees or persons exempt from licensure pursuant to 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330 or 332.
"Educational institution" means a non-profit organization that has as its primary purpose the advancement of knowledge in one or more specific fields and that is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools or equivalent.
"Manufacture" means the dispensing or processing of radioactive material or the assembly of radioactive material as sealed sources into devices.
AGENCY NOTE: A person manufacturing or assembling devices intended to utilize radioactive sealed sources may need to obtain a license authorizing manufacturing, even if that device is to be evaluated for safety by the Agency for distribution without the radioactive component.
"Materials license" means a radioactive material license issued pursuant to 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330, 332 or 601.
"Permanent jobsite" means any location where licensed material is stored or used for more than 180 days during any consecutive 12 months, or any site listed on a specific license that authorizes receipt, use or storage of radioactive material.
"Primary material use category" means the category described in Appendix E that corresponds to the category of use of radioactive material with the highest fee, either authorized by the license or requested by the applicant.
"Processing" means the preparation, manipulation or conversion of radioactive material.
"Remote site" means any permanent jobsite that is located in an area that is not contiguous to the primary use location.
"Sealed source or device evaluation" means a document issued by the Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or a Licensing State, indicating that the sealed source or device specified on the document has been evaluated for distribution.
"Temporary jobsite" means any location where licensed material is used or stored for 180 days or less during any consecutive 12 months, and not specifically listed on a radioactive materials license.
AGENCY NOTE: For mobile nuclear medicine licensees in fee category 208F, radioactive material can only be shipped to and received at sites specifically listed on a radioactive material license; therefore, material cannot be shipped to a temporary jobsite, but may be transported to temporary sites by the licensee.
"Treatment" means any method, technique or process, including storage for radioactive decay, designed to change the physical, chemical or biological characteristics or composition of any waste in order to render the waste safer for transport, storage or disposal, amenable to recovery, convertible to another usable material or reduced in volume. [420 ILCS 20/3 ]
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 32, § 331.30
Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 4298, effective March 9, 2009