Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Exhibit A - Forest Management Plan OutlineI.Cover PageA. Timber grower's name, address, phone number and emailB. Plan preparer's name, address, phone number and emailE. Plan duration and Plan expiration dateII.Signatures and Approval Page (IFDA Certification, Exhibit B)III.Property Location and DescriptionA. General land description 1. Quarter section, section, township, range2. Name of township and countyB. Specify how to access property (include GPS coordinates)C. Adjacent land use to the north, south, east and west of this propertyD. Land use and/or management historyE. Acknowledgement of easements, legal land designations or encumbrancesIV.Forest Management Goals and Resource ConcernsV.Stand Descriptions and AnalysisA. Existing forestland 2. Topographic features and aspect3. Soils c. Annual timber productivity or yield (bd.ft./acre or ft3/acre)4. Society of American Foresters cover type or IL natural community type5. Stand age class or structure6. Tree size classes and canopy position7. Invasive and/or exotic species (Provide separate assessments for woody and herbaceous species)
a. Species present and relative sizeb. Percent ground and/or canopy coverc. Average number of woody stems per acre8. Advanced regeneration and understory conditions9. Forest inventory data (stand and stock tables)a. Stand-level summary data a.4. Quadratic mean diameter (QMD) or average diameterb. Species-level summary data, by stand10. Timber quality and timber production assessment11. Timber harvest and forest practices history12. Active conservation practices or projectsB. Afforestation or reforestation land (if applicable) 1. Stand or field # and acreage2. Existing vegetative cover3. Topographic features and aspect5. Soils c. Annual timber productivity or yield (bd.ft./acre or ft3/acre)VI.Stand PrescriptionsA. Existing forestland 1. Designation and description of the silvicultural system2. Stand-specific objectives3. Narrative description of silvicultural practices and treatments necessary to achieve stand objectives and desired future conditions4. Appropriate quantified practice and treatment targets based upon stand objectives, silviculture and desired future conditions a. Stocking or density a.1. Basal areas to remove and retaina.2. Avg. # of crop trees/acre to release and retaina.3. Avg. # of trees/acre to remove and retainb. Desired species compositionc. Desired stocking percentd. Exotic/invasive species control prescriptions and required targets of treatment d.1. Expected post-treatment results, including residual population structure and density for each prescribed treatmente. Underplanting specificationse.1. Planting stock speciese.2. Planting stock type, source and quantitye.3. Location and spacinge.5. Competing vegetation control and maintenancef. Quantified wildlife habitat specificationsg. Advance regeneration specifications, composition and quantityh. Prescribed burning specifications or plan, if applicable (Prescribed burn plans must be submitted to the IDNR Forester prior to application for cost share assistance)5. Timber harvest schedule and harvest projectionsB. Afforestation or reforestation land (if applicable) 1. Planting stock species2. Planting stock type, source and quantity3. Planting stock size or specifications (other than required)5. Site preparation specifications and cover crop needs6. Row spacing (between and within)7. Vegetation control and maintenance8. Post-planting care and management9. Minimum performance standardsa. Survival of planted stock per acreb. Suppression of grasses and weedsVII.Conservation Opportunities, Constraints and ConcernsA. Recreation and aesthetics1. Address timber grower's goals and objectives2. Visual impacts (aesthetics) or recreational use impacts resulting from applied management activities (if any)B. Air, soil and water quality conservation 1. Presence or absence of forest structure, condition and concerns affecting air, soil and water quality2. How the affecting condition can be maintained or modified to have positive influence on the air, soil and water conservation3. Prescribe site-specific Illinois Forestry Best Management Practices necessary to conserve soil and water qualityC. Wetland protection 1. Presence and location of possible wetlands on the property; the Plan is not an official determination of wetlands2. Management activities necessary to protect streams, ponds or wetlands3. Prescribe site-specific Illinois Forestry Best Management Practices necessary to conserve wetland functions and featuresD. Fish, wildlife and biodiversity 1. Address timber grower's specific goals and objectives2. Consistent with IDNR State Wildlife Action Plan (available on the IDNR website)E. Forest health and protection 1. Detection and/or management of existing and imminent insects and diseases2. Implications of relevant or existing invasive/exotic species3. Physical or environmental threats or damage4. Livestock management and/or exclusion recommendations if applicableF. Threatened and endangered (T&E) species 1. Search Ecological Assessment Tool (EcoCAT) database, available on the IDNR website2. Explain records or facts of existing and likely T&E species3. Management implications or constraints of existing T&E species4. Management for federally listed species requiring habitat protectionG. Identify and protect special sites 1. Summarize findings from field reconnaissance with regard to special sites (unique historical, archaeological, cultural, geological, biological or ecological characteristics)2. Provide protection and mitigation measures from planned forest management activities for documented special sitesVIII.Practice Schedule (of all prescribed forest management practices)A. List the practices planned for each stand for the next 10 years; list these practices in priority order; use a table formatB. Use one table row for each unique treatment in order of treatment priorityC. Include the following information under column headings1. Year practice prescribed6. IFDA requirement? (yes or no)7. Proposed completion dateD. Practices that are recommended for good forest management but not required shall be listed, preceded by the word optionalIX.Considerations Specific to the Forest Development Cost-Share ProgramA. Plan entitlements for timber grower or subsequent timber growers1. Eligible for technical assistance from the IDNR Forester2. Eligible for IDNR nursery stock, pending availability3. Eligible for cost-share funds to help implement planned practicesB. Plan requirements of timber grower or subsequent timber growers 1. Afforested/reforested area must maintain a minimum stocking level of 300 live, desirable trees/acre during establishment2. Repay all cost-share monies if Plan is cancelled3. Never remove IDNR nursery stock with the roots attached4. Timber harvest marking or operations will be only as approved by the IDNR Forester5. Modify the Plan or practices within the Plan period only with approval of both the timber grower and IDNR Forester, and documented in writing6. Return biennial review letter to maintain enrollment in IFDA Program7. Protect Plan acreage from wildfire8. Exclude any Plan acreage accessible to livestock unless approved in the Plan9. To implement this Plan according to the practice schedule and not contingent upon State or federal funding10. Notify IDNR within 30 days of address or ownership changesX.Plan Maps (copy-ready on 8.5 x 11 inch paper)A. Property map 1. North arrow and legend2. Map with timber grower name, township, county and scale3. Depict property and stand boundaries, roads, fields, water and features4. Aerial photo having minimum scale of 1" = 660' or 1:79205. Large properties may adjust scale to fit 8.5 x 11 inch paperB. Soils map 1. North arrow and legend2. Map with timber grower name, township, county and scale3. Forest areas and soil mapping units, roads, fields, water and features4. Aerial photo having minimum scale of 1:16,000 or largerXI.AppendicesA. Glossary of technical terminologyB. Documents cited in the body of the PlanC. Forest inventory data, output or reportIll. Admin. Code tit. 17, pt. 1537, exh. A
Amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 18222, effective October 29, 1990Amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 4306, effective 3/31/2017Amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 15790, effective 12/18/2017