Section 5-10 | |
Order of Exemption/Filing Fee | $300 |
Section 5-30 | |
Initial Disclosure Document Filing Fee | $300 |
Section 5-30(e) | |
Renewal Filing Fee | $300 |
Renewal Late Fee | $100* |
Fee to Report a Material Change to Required Disclosure pursuant to Section 135.352(b) of this Part | $25 |
Business Opportunity Fee to report a change in its form of organization or change of its name | $20 |
Fee for the failure to file or file timely any required document or information | $250 |
Fee for each subsequent failure to file or file timely any required document or information | $500 |
Section 5-75(d) | |
Non-Binding Statement | $75 |
Section 5-80(d) | |
Service of Process (when served upon the Secretary) | $10 |
Certificate | $10 |
Certified Copy of Document | $10 plus |
Each Page Certified | $ .50 |
Duplication of Documents | |
each Page Duplicated | $ .50 |
Additional fee for payment of fee returned to the Securities Department due to insufficient funds or for a similar reason | $50 |
*If the renewal application is filed within 9 business days preceding the expiration of the current registration.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 14, § 135.2110