Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Facility Plans Required. All new municipal wastewater treatment or disposal facilities, and all existing municipal wastewater treatment or disposal facilities undergoing material modification or expansion, are required to have a current facility plan that shall address all applicable issues specifically required in Sections 410 and 420 through 599 of these rules including, but not limited to, hydraulic capacity, treatment capacity, project financing, and operation and maintenance considerations. The facility plan shall address these issues sufficiently to determine the effects of the project on the overall wastewater infrastructure. Material modification or expansion that requires a facility plan includes upgraded, or rehabilitated municipal wastewater treatment or disposal facilities and major collection, interceptor sewer, pump station projects, and septage transfer station projects. Facility plans must address the entire potential service area of the project. A facility plan may be completed for collection systems only. If such a collection system facility plan is prepared, and flows increase in excess of the design capacity of downstream collection and treatment facilities, the impact of the flow shall be addressed in the facility plan.
a. Department-reviewed simple wastewater main extension projects. A facility plan is not required if the Department is provided documentation supporting the ability of the wastewater system to provide service for the simple wastewater main extension without adding wastewater pumping stations or treatment capacity to the system and without overloading the existing collection system. Documentation may be in the form of:
i. Hydraulic modeling;
ii. Usage data and flow calculations;
iii. Declining balance reports that demonstrate the system has the capacity to supply the service area of the system served by the extension; or
iv. Other documentation acceptable to the Department.
b. QLPE-Reviewed Simple Wastewater Main Extension Projects. A Department-approved facility plan is not required to be in place prior to the QLPE approving simple wastewater main extensions pursuant to Subsection 400.03.b., provided that the system is in compliance with the facility and design standards in the area served by the extension. If the Department has not approved a facility plan which covers the proposed simple wastewater main extension, then the system owner or the QLPE must include with the transmittal letter documentation supporting the ability of the system owner to provide service for the simple wastewater main extension without adding wastewater pumping stations or treatment capacity to the system and without overloading the existing collection system. The system owner shall provide this documentation to the QLPE as necessary. Documentation may be in the form of:
i. Hydraulic modeling;
ii. Usage data and flow calculations;
iii. Declining balance reports that demonstrate the system has the capacity to supply the service area of the system served by the extension; or
iv. Other documentation acceptable to the Department.
02.Submittal to Department. Facility plans shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to the submission of plans and specifications for a project related to the facility plan.
03.Engineer's Seal Required. Facility plans submitted to the Department shall bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer.
04.Facility Plan Contents. The facility plan shall assemble basic information, present criteria and assumptions, and examine alternative solutions with preliminary layouts and cost estimates. The facility plan is intended to address system wide growth, to identify system deficiencies, and to lay out a plan for system upgrades and expansion. The minimum requirements for a facility plan are located in Subsections 410.04.a. through 410.04.c. If specific items are not applicable to a particular facility plan, then the engineer shall state this in the facility plan and state the reason why it is not applicable.
a. New Wastewater System Facility Plan. The facility plan for a new wastewater system must include sufficient detail to support the requirements of Sections 410 through 520 and address the items listed in Subsections 410.04.a.i. through 410.04.a.vii. of this rule.
i. Location. Provide a general description and location of the system including service boundaries.
ii. Population. Provide the estimated design population of the system.
iii. Wastewater flows. Provide design data for domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewater generation, including average day, maximum day, maximum month, or peak hour flows.
iv. Collection. Identify and describe any anticipated or proposed wastewater collection systems. Include specific detail on any anticipated or proposed wastewater pumping stations and on any anticipated or proposed wastewater interceptor or trunk lines.
v. Treatment. Identify and describe any anticipated or proposed treatment works. Provide specific detail on the type and level of treatment and the required capacity of the treatment system.
vi. Disposal. Identify and describe any anticipated or proposed wastewater disposal system(s). Include specific information on the location and method of disposal and information on any existing disposal permits or estimated timelines to obtain anticipated required permits.
vii. Drinking water. Describe the drinking water distribution system with reference to the relationship to existing or proposed wastewater structures which may affect the operation and location of the wastewater system.
b. Existing Wastewater System Facility Plan. The facility plan for an existing wastewater system must include sufficient detail to support the requirements of Sections 410 through 520, address all items in Subsections 410.04.a.i. through 410.04.a.vii., and address all items in Subsections 410.04.b.i. through 410.04.b.viii.
i. Provide a hydraulic analysis of the collection system if requested by the Department. Any analysis of an existing collection system shall be properly calibrated. The type and sophistication of the analysis shall be dependent on the type of the system.
ii. Identify and evaluate problems or deficiencies related to the wastewater system.
iii. Identify the design capacity of existing facilities and the current operating flows.
iv. Describe financing options for projects identified in the facility plan.
v. Set forth anticipated charges for users.
vi. Review organizational and staffing requirements.
vii. Offer a project(s) recommendation for client consideration.
viii. Outline official actions and procedures to implement the project.
c. Wastewater System Facility Plan Funded by the State Revolving Fund. If the project is funded by the state revolving fund or a state grant, the facility plan must meet the requirements of Subsections 410.04.a. and 410.04.b., and other requirements that may also apply. See IDAPA 58.01.12 "Rules for Administration of Water Pollution Control Loans," and IDAPA 58.01.04, "Rules for Administration of Wastewater Treatment Facility Grants."
d. Facility Plan Guidance. A checklist which can be used for guidance can be found on the DEQ website at This checklist is for Department grant and loan projects, but may be used in part or in whole as a guide to assist in the development of any facility plan.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022