Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Appropriate Control Measures. The Department, through approval or disapproval of plans for wastewater treatment and disposal facilities, the issuance of wastewater discharge permits, orders, compliance schedules, directives or any of the mechanisms at its disposal, will require persons to apply appropriate control measures necessary to achieve and maintain the water quality standards contained in IDAPA 58.01.02, "Water Quality Standards."
02.Degree of Treatment. The degree of wastewater treatment required to restore and maintain the standards of quality will be determined in each instance by the Department, based upon the following:
a. The uses which are made or desired of the receiving water;
b. The volume and nature of flow of the receiving water;
c. The quantity and quality of the wastewater to be treated; and
d. The presence or absence of other sources of water pollution on the same watershed, stream segment or aquifer.
03.Operation. Any person who owns or operates any sewage or other wastewater treatment facility must at all times:
a. Ensure that such facility is operated under competent supervision and with the highest efficiency that can reasonably be expected; and
b. Maintain such facility in good repair.
04.Treatment Records. Any person who owns or operates any facility or carries out any operation which results in the discharge of wastewater must furnish to the Department such information concerning quality and quantity of discharged wastewaters and maintain such treatment records as the Department requires to evaluate the effects of any receiving waters. Required information can include, but is not limited to:
a. Treated wastewater discharge volumes; and
b. Treated wastewater discharge biochemical oxygen demand (BOD); and
c. Treated wastewater discharge suspended solid concentration; and
d. Discharge pH; and
e. Discharge temperatures.
05.Falsification of Records. It is a violation of these rules for any person to falsify or knowingly render inaccurate any treatment record which can be required as provided in these regulations.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022