Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

A person must submit a complete permit application and fees to the Department.

01.Preapplication Conference. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Department prior to submitting an application to discuss the permitting process.
02.Content. A complete application must contain the information identified in Subsections 200.03 through 200.10 and include payment of the applicable fee.
03.Facility and Operator Information.
a. Name, mailing address, and phone number of each facility owner and operator.
b. Name and mailing address of the facility.
c. Legal description of the facility location.
d. The legal structure of the entity owning the facility, including the names and addresses of all directors, officers, registered agents and partners.
e. The names and locations of all facilities owned and/or operated by the applicant within the last ten (10) years.
f. The one-time animal unit capacity of the facility.
g. The size and type of swine to be confined at the facility.
h. Evidence a valid water right exists to supply adequate water for the facility or a copy of either an application for permit to appropriate water or an application to change the point of diversion, place, period and nature of use of an existing water right that has been filed with the Idaho Department of Water Resources which, if approved, will supply adequate water for the operation.
i. The facility's biosecurity and sanitary standards.
j. A statement of estimated annual income and operating expenses that demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Department, financial capability to operate the facility.
04.Written Estimate of Costs and Financial Assurance. A written estimate of costs for remediation and closure and proof of financial assurance to the Department for approval in accordance with Section 205.
05.Construction Plan. Plans and specifications for the facility's animal waste management system that include:
a. Vicinity map(s) prepared on one (1) or more seven and one-half minute (7.5') USGS topographic quadrangle maps or a high quality reproduction(s) showing:
i. The layout of the facility, including buildings and animal waste management system;
ii. The one hundred (100) year FEMA flood zones or other appropriate flood data for the facility site and land application sites owned or leased by the applicant;
iii. The location of occupied dwellings, public and private gathering places, such as schools, churches and parks, and incorporated municipalities which are within a two (2) mile radius of the facility; and
iv. Private and community domestic water wells, irrigation wells, irrigation conveyance and drainage structures, monitoring wells, wetlands, streams, springs, and reservoirs which are within a one (1) mile radius of the facility; and
b. Facility construction specifications including:
i. A site plan showing:
(1) Building locations;
(2) Waste facilities;
(3) All waste conveyance systems; and
(4) All irrigation systems used for land application, including details of approved water supply protection devices; and
ii. Building plans showing:
(1) All wastewater collection systems in housed units;
(2) All freshwater supply systems, including details of approved water supply protection devices;
(3) Detailed drawings of wastewater collection and conveyance systems and containment construction; and
(4) Detailed construction and installation procedures.
06.Site Characterization. A characterization of the facility and any land application site(s) owned or operated by the applicant, prepared by a registered professional geologist, a registered professional engineer or a qualified ground water hydrologist, that including:
a. A description of monitoring methods, frequency, and reporting components related to either leak detection systems and/or ground water monitoring wells;
b. The climatic, hydrogeologic, and soil characteristics;
c. The depth to water and a potentiometric map for the uppermost and regional aquifer;
d. The vertical and horizontal conductivity, gradient, and ground water flow direction and velocity;
e. Estimates of recharge to the uppermost aquifer;
f. Information which characterizes the relationship between the ground water and adjacent surface waters; and
g. A summary of local ground water quality data.
07.Nutrient Management Plan. A plan prepared by a Certified Planner demonstrating compliance with the Nutrient Management Standard for land application.
08.Closure Plan. A plan describing the procedures for final closure of a facility that ensures no adverse impacts to the environment and waters of the state and includes:
a. The estimated length of operation of the facility; and
b. A description of the procedures, methods, and schedule to be implemented at the facility for final disposal, handling, management and/or treatment of all animal waste.
09.Other Information. An applicant must provide any other information relative to Subsections 200.03 through 200.08 deemed necessary by the Director to assess protection of human health and the environment
10.Application Fee. The appropriate application fee is due with the application submittal.

One-time Animal Unit Capacity


Less than 5,000


5,000 to 10,000


Greater than 10,000


Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 24, 2022