Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

The terms "department," "director," and "waters" have the meaning provided for those terms in Section 39-103, Idaho Code. The terms "animal unit," "facilities or facility," and "one-time animal unit capacity" have the meaning provided for those terms in Section 39-104A(6), Idaho Code. The terms "animal waste," "animal waste management system," "applicant," "certified planner," "existing facility," "land application," "nutrient management plan," "nutrient management standard," "operate," "permit," "person ," and "process wastewater" have the meaning provided for those terms in Section 39-7903, Idaho Code.

01.New or Expanding. A facility being newly proposed to operate after July 1, 2000, and having a one-time animal unit capacity of two thousand (2,000) or more animal units, and expanding facilities or a facility of less than two thousand (2,000) animal units that increases its one-time animal unit capacity to two thousand (2,000) or more animal units or a facility that increases its one-time animal unit capacity by ten percent (10%) measured cumulatively from April 1, 2000.
02.Unauthorized Discharge. A release of animal waste to the environment or waters that is not authorized by the permit or the terms of an IPDES permit.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 24, 2022