Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Active Portion. That part of a unit where waste had been, or may be, disposed of, treated, or otherwise managed, and that has not been closed in accordance with applicable rules.
02.Backyard Composting. Composting operations used only by the owner or person in control of a residential dwelling unit to process garbage and yard waste generated at that dwelling unit.
03.Beneficial Use. Various uses of ground water in Idaho including, but not limited to, domestic water supplies, industrial water supplies and agricultural water supplies. A beneficial use is defined as actual current and projected future uses of ground water.
04.Commercial Solid Waste Facility. A MSWLF owned and operated as an enterprise conducted with the intent of making a profit by any individual, association, firm, or partnership for the disposal of solid waste, but excluding a MSWLF owned or operated by a political subdivision, state or federal agency or, municipality or a MSWLF owned or operated by any individual, association, firm, or partnership exclusively for the disposal of solid waste generated by such individual, association, firm, or partnership.
05.Composting Facility. See definition of Processing Facility.
06.Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) Hazardous Waste. As defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10.
07.Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) Management Facility. A facility or portion thereof where household hazardous waste or VSQG wastes are transferred from a vehicle or container and subsequently transported to another facility. A VSQG management facility does not include temporary drop off locations or other facilities where individuals or businesses are authorized to store waste for ultimate collection and disposal.
08.Contamination. The introduction of a substance into the surface or ground water causing:
a. At or beyond the point of compliance, the concentration of that substance in ground water to result in significant degradation, as determined pursuant to Subsection 400.02.b of IDAPA 58.01.11, "Ground Water Quality Rule," or in an exceedance of the maximum contamination level (MCL) specified in the Ground Water Quality Rule;
b. The concentration of that substance in surface water exceeds a numerical criteria or fails to protect designated beneficial uses specified in the "Water Quality Standards," IDAPA 58.01.02;
c. A statistically significant increase in the concentration of that substance in the ground water at or beyond the point of compliance, or in surface water, where the existing concentration of that substance exceeds the contamination level specified in Subsections 005.08.a. or 005.08.b. of this rule; or
d. A statistically significant increase in the concentration of that substance in ground water at the point of compliance, or in surface water, above background of a substance which;
i. Is not specified in Subsections 005.08.a. or 005.08.b. of this rule; and
ii. Is a result of the disposal of solid waste; and
iii. Has been determined by the department to present a substantial risk to human health or the environment in the concentrations found in the ground water at the point of compliance, or in surface water.
09.Degradation. The lowering of ground water quality as measured in a statistically significant and reproducible manner.
10.Department. The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.
11.Director. The Director of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.
12.Disposal. Discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, leaching, migration or placing of any solid waste into or on any land or water so that such solid waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including ground water.
13.Facility. Any area used for any solid waste management activity, including, but not limited to, storage, transfer, processing, separation, incineration, treatment, salvaging, or disposal of solid waste.
14.Garbage. Any waste consisting of putrescible animal and vegetable materials resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food, including wastes materials from households, markets, storage facilities, handling and sale of produce and other food products.
15.Ground Water. Any water of the state that occurs beneath the surface of the earth in a saturated geological formation of rock or soil.
16.Household Waste. Any solid waste, including kitchen wastes, trash and sanitary waste in septic tanks, derived from households, including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds and day use recreation areas.
17.Incinerator. Any source consisting of a furnace and all appurtenances thereto designed for the destruction of solid waste by burning. "Open Burning" is not considered incineration.
18.Inert Waste. Noncombustible, nonhazardous, and non-putrescible solid wastes that are likely to retain their physical and chemical structure and have a de minimis potential to generate leachate under expected conditions of disposal, which includes resistance to biological attack. "Inert waste" includes, but is not limited to, rock, concrete, cured asphaltic concrete, masonry block, brick, gravel, dirt, inert coal combustion by-products, inert precipitated calcium carbonate and inert component mixture of wood or mill yard debris.
19.Landfill. An area of land or an excavation in which wastes are placed for permanent disposal, and that is not a land application unit, surface impoundment, injection well or waste pile, as those terms are defined under 40 CFR 257.2.
20.Leachate. A liquid that has passed through or emerged from waste and contains soluble, suspended, or miscible materials removed from such waste.
21.Lift. A vertical rise of compacted solid waste that is complete when it is no longer practical to add additional height without the addition of a cover layer to provide structural stability.
22.Modification. Any change in the physical characteristics, waste types managed, method of operation, or lateral expansion beyond the boundaries of a site. The following is not considered a modification:
a. Repair and replacement of existing equipment;
b. Increase in production rate that does not exceed the Tier level criteria or approved facility capacity;
c. An increase in hours of operation if more restrictive hours of operation are not specified in an approved operating plan; and
d. Acquisition of property that is not to be used for the processing or disposal of solid waste.
23.Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Unit (MSWLF). As regulated under Chapter 74, Title 39, Idaho Code, a discrete area of land or an excavation that receives household waste, and that is not a land application unit, surface impoundment, injection well, or waste pile, as those terms are defined under 40 CFR 257.2. A MSWLF unit also may receive other types of RCRA subtitle D wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, VSQG waste and industrial solid waste. Such a landfill may be publicly or privately owned. A MSWLF unit may be a new MSWLF unit, an existing MSWLF unit or a lateral expansion.
24.Non-Municipal Solid Waste (NMSW). A solid waste that is:
a. Not mixed with household waste; or
b. Not excluded from these rules by Subsection 001.03.
25.Non-Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (NMSWLF). A landfill that accepts only non-municipal solid waste.
26.Open Burning. The combustion of solid waste without:
a. Control of combustion air to maintain adequate temperature for efficient combustion;
b. Containment of the combustion reaction in an enclosed device so as to provide sufficient residence time and mixing for complete combustion; and
c. Control of the emission of the combustion products.
27.Operator. The person(s) responsible for the overall operation of all or part of a site or facility.
28.Owner. The person(s) who owns land or a portion of the land on which a site or facility is located.
29.Person. Any individual, association, partnership, firm, joint stock company, trust, political subdivision, public or private corporation, state or federal government department, agency, or instrumentality, municipality, industry, or any other legal entity which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
30.Point of Compliance. A vertical surface located no more than one hundred fifty (150) yards hydraulically down gradient from the active portion of a facility or site, located at the facility boundary down gradient of the land area, or located at the point of diversion of an identified beneficial use within the site, whichever is the smallest distance from the active portion.
31.Processing Facility. A facility that uses biological or chemical decomposition to prepare solid waste for reuse, excluding waste handling at transfer stations or recycling centers.
32.Projected Waste Volume. The total actual or potential solid waste volume measured in tons per day, cubic yards per day, or an equivalent measurement, proposed to be received or processed at a solid waste facility.
33.Pumpable Waste. Wastes, including non-domestic septage, sludge, wastewater and non-municipal solid wastes, which are pumped from a holding area or container into a watertight tank truck or equivalent and transported for processing or disposal.
34.Qualified Professional. Qualified professional means a licensed professional geologist or licensed professional engineer, as appropriate, holding current professional registration in good standing and in compliance with applicable provisions of Chapter 12, Title 54, Idaho Code.
35.Recyclables. Used, end, or waste products with useful properties that can be reused.
36.Recycling. The reclamation of solid waste and its subsequent introduction into an industrial process by which the materials are transformed into a new product in such a manner that the original identity as a product is lost.
37.Recycling Center. A materials recovery facility that receives recyclables, then sorts, bales, loads, or physically alters the material and transports the commodities to markets.
38.Salvage. The reclamation of solid waste at a disposal site.
39.Scavenge. The unauthorized removal of materials from a facility.
40.Septage. A semisolid consisting of settled sewage solids combined with varying amounts of water and dissolved materials generated from a septic tank system.
41.Site. Any contiguous geographic area with one (1) or more facilities owned or operated by the same person used for any solid waste management activity, including, but not limited to, storage, transfer, processing, separation, incineration, treatment, salvaging, or disposal of solid waste.
42.Site Size. The sum in acres of all proposed or existing facilities.
43.Solid Waste. Any garbage or refuse, sludge from a waste water treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded material including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations and from community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits under Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (86 Stat. 880), or source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 923).
44.Speculative Accumulation. Stock piles of materials or recyclables to be processed for reuse or disposal when fifty percent (50%) of the material is not reused or disposed by the end of the following calendar year after the date of first receipt by the facility, and which may create a nuisance or public health impact.
45.Storm Water. Accumulation of water from natural precipitation, including snow melt.
46.Surface Water. All surface accumulations of water, natural or artificial, public or private, or parts thereof which are wholly or partially within, which flow through or border upon the state, unless such waters are an integral part of the facility's operation for storm water control and or leachate management.
47.Tipping Floor. An area at a transfer station, processing facility, VSQG management facility or incinerator that receives and contains all waste materials.
48.Toxic Leachate or Gas. Concentrations of leachate or gas that will cause contamination, as defined by these rules, or that will exceed standards in the IDAPA 58.01.01, "Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho."
49.Transfer Station. A facility or portion thereof where solid wastes are transferred from a vehicle or container and subsequently transported off-site to another facility. A transfer station does not include an authorized rural drop-box or other facilities where persons are authorized to store individual waste for ultimate collection and disposal, or any other facility that stores solid waste generated at the facility for collection and disposal off-site.
50.Wood or Mill Yard Debris Facility. A facility that manages exclusively, solid wood, bark, or wood fiber generated from the process of manufacturing wood products that may include ash from the burning of wood waste in amounts and in conformity with the requirements of the Wood & Mill Yard Technical Guidance Manual, components of soil, rock, or moisture.
51.Yard Waste. Weeds, straw, leaves, grass clippings, brush, wood, and other natural, organic, materials typically derived from general landscape maintenance activities.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 24, 2022