Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

All persons, firms or corporations operating any tank truck or any other device or equipment used or intended to be used for the purpose of pumping or cleaning septic tanks and/or transporting or disposing of human excrement, shall conform with the following requirements.

01.Equipment to Be Watertight. The tank or transporting equipment shall be watertight and so constructed as to prevent spilling or leaking while being loaded, transported and/or unloaded.
02.Equipment to Be Cleanable. The tank or transporting equipment shall be constructed in such a manner that every portion of the interior and exterior can be easily cleaned and maintained in a clean condition at all times while not in actual use.
03.Disposal Methods. Disposal of excrement from septic tanks shall be by the following methods only:
a. Discharging to a public sewer;
b. Discharging to a sewage treatment plant;
c. Burying under earth in a location and by a method approved by the Department of Environmental Quality:
d. Drying in a location and by a method approved by the Department of Environmental Quality.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022