Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Implementation Policy.
a. Nonpoint sources are the result of activities essential to the economic and social welfare of the state. The a real extent of most nonpoint source activities prevents the practical application of conventional wastewater treatment technologies. Nonpoint source pollution management, including best management practices, is a process for protecting the designated beneficial uses and ambient water quality. Best management practices should be designed, implemented and maintained to provide full protection or maintenance of beneficial uses. Violations of water quality standards which occur in spite of implementation of best management practices will not be subject to enforcement action. However, if subsequent water quality monitoring and surveillance by the Department, based on the criteria listed in Sections 200, 210, 250, 251, 252, and 253, indicate water quality standards are not met due to nonpoint source impacts, even with the use of current best management practices, the practices will be evaluated and modified as necessary by the appropriate agencies in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. If necessary, injunctive or other judicial relief may be initiated against the operator of a nonpoint source activity in accordance with the Director's authorities provided in Section 39-108, Idaho Code. In certain cases, revision of the water quality standards may be appropriate.
b. As provided in Subsections 350.01.a. and 350.02.a. for nonpoint source activities, failure to meet general or specific water quality criteria, or failure to fully protect a beneficial use, shall not be considered a violation of the water quality standards for the purpose of enforcement. Instead, water quality monitoring and surveillance of nonpoint source activities will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of best management practices in protecting beneficial uses as stated in Subsections 350.01.a. and 350.02.b.
02.Limitation to Nonpoint Source Restrictions. Nonpoint source activities will be subject to the following:
a. Except as provided in Subsections 350.02.b. and 350.02.c., so long as a nonpoint source activity is being conducted in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and best management practices as referenced in Subsection 350.03, or in the absence of referenced applicable best management practices, conducted in a manner that demonstrates a knowledgeable and reasonable effort to minimize resulting adverse water quality impacts, the activity will not be subject to conditions or legal actions based on Subsection 080.01. In all cases, if it is determined by the Director that imminent and substantial danger to the public health or environment is occurring, or may occur as a result of a nonpoint source by itself or in combination with other point or nonpoint source activities, then the Director may seek immediate injunctive relief to stop or prevent that danger as provided in Section 39-108, Idaho Code.
b. If the Director determines through water quality monitoring and surveillance that water quality criteria are not being met, or that beneficial uses are being impaired as a result of a nonpoint source activity by itself or in combination with other point and nonpoint source activities then:
i. For an activity occurring in a manner not in accordance with approved best management practices, or in a manner which does not demonstrate a knowledgeable and reasonable effort to minimize resulting adverse water quality impacts, the Director may with appropriate inter-Departmental coordination.
(1) Prepare a compliance schedule as provided in Section 39-116, Idaho Code; and/or
(2) Institute administrative or civil proceedings including injunctive relief under Section 39-108, Idaho Code.
ii. For activities conducted in compliance with approved best management practices, or conducted in a manner which demonstrates knowledgeable and reasonable effort to minimize resulting adverse water quality impacts, the Director may, with appropriate inter-Departmental coordination:
(1) For those activities with approved best management practices as listed in Subsection 350.03 formally request that the responsible agency conduct a timely evaluation and modification of the practices to insure full protection of beneficial uses.
(2) For all other nonpoint source activities which do not have approved best management practices as listed in Subsection 350.03, develop and recommend to the operator control measures necessary to fully protect the beneficial uses. Such control measures may be implemented on a voluntary basis, or where necessary, through appropriate administrative or civil proceedings.
(3) If, in a reasonable and timely manner the approved best management practices are not evaluated or modified by the responsible agency, or if the appropriate control measures are not implemented by the operator, then the Director may seek injunctive relief to prevent or stop imminent and substantial danger to the public health or environment as provided in Section 39-108, Idaho Code.
c. The Director may review for compliance project plans for proposed nonpoint source activities, based on whether or not the proposed activity will fully maintain or protect beneficial uses as listed in Sections 200, 250, 251, 252, and 253. In the absence of relevant criteria in those Sections, the review for compliance will be based on whether or not the proposed activity:
i. Will comply with approved or specialized best management practices; and
ii. Provides a monitoring plan which, when implemented, will provide information to the Director adequate to determine the effectiveness of the approved or specialized best management practices in protecting the beneficial uses of water; and
iii. Provides a process for modifying the approved or site-specific best management practices in order to protect beneficial uses of water.
d. For projects determined not to comply with those requirements, the plan may be revised and resubmitted for additional review by the Department. Any person aggrieved by a final determination of the Director may, within thirty (30) days, file a written request for a hearing before the Board in accordance with the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act. In all cases, implementation of projects detailed in a plan shall be conducted in a manner which will not result in imminent and substantial danger to the public health or environment.
03.Approved Best Management Practices. The following are approved best management practices for the purpose of Subsection 350.02:
a. "Rules Pertaining to the Idaho Forest Practices Act," IDAPA 20.02.01, as adopted by Board of Land Commissioners;
b. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Rules, IDAPA 58.01.06, "Solid Waste Management Rules and Standards";
c. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Rules, IDAPA 58.01.03, "Individual/Subsurface Sewage Disposal Rules";
d. "Stream Channel Alteration Rules," IDAPA 37.03.07, as adopted by the Board of Water Resources;
e. For the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer, "Rathdrum Prairie Sewage Disposal Regulations," as adopted by the Panhandle District Health Department Board of Health and approved by the Idaho Board of Environmental Quality;
f. "Rules Governing Exploration, Surface Mining, and Closure of Cyanidation Facilities," IDAPA 20.03.02, as adopted by the Board of Land Commissioners; and
g. "Dredge and Placer Mining Operations in Idaho," IDAPA 20.03.01, as adopted by the Board of Land Commissioners.
h. "Rules Governing Dairy Waste," IDAPA 02.04.14, as adopted by the Department of Agriculture.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022