Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

Section 581 establishes the allowable degree of deterioration for the areas within the State that have air quality better than the ambient standards. (3-28-23)

01.Incorporated Federal Program Requirements - Class I, II and III Areas. Class I, II, and III area PSD increment requirements contained in 40 CFR 52.21(c) are incorporated by reference in Section 107. These CFR sections have been codified in the electronic CFR at (3-28-23)
02.Exceedances. For any period other than an annual period, the applicable maximum allowable increase may be exceeded during one (1) such period per year at any one (1) location. (3-28-23)
03.Exclusions. The following concentrations will be excluded in determining compliance with the maximum allowable increases: (3-28-23)
a. Concentrations attributable to the increase in emissions from facilities that have converted from the use of petroleum products, natural gas, or both by reason of an order in effect under the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974 (or any superseding legislation) or by reason of a natural gas curtailment plan in effect pursuant to the Federal Power Act, over the emissions from such facilities before the effective date of such order or plan; this does not apply more than five (5) years after the effective date of such order or plan; (3-28-23)
b. Concentrations of PM-10 attributable to the increase in emissions from construction or other temporary emission-related activities of new or modified facilities; (3-28-23)
c. The increase in concentrations attributable to new facilities outside the United States over the concentrations attributable to existing facilities which are included in the baseline concentration; and (3-28-23)
d. Concentrations attributable to the temporary increase in emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, or particulate matter from facilities that are affected by a revision to the SIP approved by EPA; this exclusion may not exceed two (2) years unless a longer time is approved by EPA, is not renewable, and applies only to revisions that: (3-28-23)
i. Would not affect the applicable pollutant concentrations in a Class I area or an area where an applicable increment is known to be violated and would not cause or contribute to a violation of an ambient air quality standard; and (3-28-23)
ii. Require limitations to be in effect at the end of the approved time period that would ensure that the emissions from facilities affected by the revision would not exceed those concentrations occurring before the revision was approved. (3-28-23)

Idaho Admin. Code r.