Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

In accordance with Subsection 203.03, the applicant must demonstrate preconstruction compliance with Section 161 to the satisfaction of the Department. The accuracy, completeness, execution and results of the demonstration are all subject to review and approval by the Department. For purposes of this section, Toxic Air Pollutant Reasonably Available Control Technology (T-RACT) is an emission standard based on the lowest emission of toxic air pollutants that a particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that is reasonably available, as determined by the Department, considering technological and economic feasibility. If control technology is not feasible, the emission standard may be based on the application of a design, equipment, work practice or operational requirement, or combination thereof. (3-28-23)

01.Identification of Toxic Air Pollutants. The applicant may use process knowledge, raw materials inputs, EPA and Department references and commonly available references approved by EPA or the Department to identify the toxic air pollutants emitted by the stationary source or modification. (3-28-23)
02.Quantification of Emission Rates. (3-28-23)
a. The applicant may use standard scientific and engineering principles and practices to estimate the emission rate of any toxic air pollutant at the point(s) of emission. (3-28-23)
i. Screening engineering analyses use unrefined conservative data. (3-28-23)
ii. Refined engineering analyses utilize refined and less conservative data including, but not limited to, emission factors requiring detailed input and actual emissions testing at a comparable emissions unit using EPA or Department approved methods. (3-28-23)
b. The uncontrolled emissions rate of a toxic air pollutant from a source or modification is calculated using the maximum capacity of the source or modification under its physical and operational design without the effect of any physical or operational limitations. (3-28-23)
i. Examples of physical and operational design include but are not limited to the amount of time equipment operates during batch operations and the quantity of raw materials utilized in a batch process. (3-28-23)
ii. Examples of physical or operational limitations include but are not limited to shortened hours of operation, use of control equipment, and restrictions on production that are less than design capacity. (3-28-23)
c. The controlled emissions rate of a toxic air pollutant from a source or modification is calculated using the maximum capacity of the source or modification under its physical and operational design with the effect of any physical or operational limitation that has been specifically described in a written and certified submission to the Department. (3-28-23)
d. The T-RACT emissions rate of a toxic air pollutant from a source or modification is calculated using the maximum capacity of the source or modification under its physical and operational design with the effect of: (3-28-23)
i. Any physical or operational limitation other than control equipment that has been specifically described in a written and certified submission to the Department; and (3-28-23)
ii. An emission standard that is T-RACT. (3-28-23)
03.Quantification of Ambient Concentrations. (3-28-23)
a. The applicant may use the modeling methods provided in Subsection 202.02 to estimate the ambient concentrations at specified receptor sites for any toxic air pollutant emitted from the point(s) of emission. (3-28-23)
b. The point of compliance is the receptor site that is estimated to have the highest ambient concentration of the toxic air pollutant of all the receptor sites that are located either at or beyond the facility property boundary or at a point of public access; provided that, if the toxic air pollutant is listed in Section 586, the receptor site is not considered to be at a point of public access if the receptor site is located on or within a road, highway or other transportation corridor transecting the facility. (3-28-23)
c. The uncontrolled ambient concentration of the source or modification is estimated by modeling the uncontrolled emission rate. (3-28-23)
d. The controlled ambient concentration of the source or modification is estimated by modeling the controlled emission rate. (3-28-23)
e. The approved net ambient concentration from a modification for a toxic air pollutant at each receptor is calculated by subtracting the estimated decreases in ambient concentrations for all sources at the facility contributing an approved creditable decrease at the receptor site from the estimated ambient concentration from the modification at the receptor. (3-28-23)
f. The approved offset ambient concentration from a source or modification for a toxic air pollutant at each receptor is calculated by subtracting the estimated decreases in ambient concentrations for all sources contributing an approved offset at the receptor from the estimated ambient concentration for the source or modification at the receptor. (3-28-23)
g. The T-RACT ambient concentration of the source or modification is estimated by using refined modeling and the T-RACT emission rate. (3-28-23)
h. The approved interpollutant ambient concentration from a source or modification for a toxic air pollutant at each receptor is calculated as follows: (3-28-23)
i. Step 1: Calculate the estimated decrease in ambient concentrations for each toxic air pollutant from each source contributing an approved interpollutant trade at the receptor by multiplying the approved interpollutant ratio by the overall decrease in the ambient concentration of the toxic air pollutant at the receptor site. (3-28-23)
ii. Step 2: Calculate the total estimated decrease at the receptor by summing all of the individual estimated decreases calculated in Subsection 210.03.h.i. for that receptor. (3-28-23)
iii. Step 3: Calculate the approved interpollutant ambient concentration by subtracting the total estimated decrease at the receptor from the estimated ambient concentration for the source or modification at the receptor. (3-28-23)
04.Preconstruction Compliance Demonstration. The applicant may use any of the Department approved standard methods described in Subsections 210.05 through 210.08 and may use any applicable specialized method described in Subsections 210.09 through 210.12 to demonstrate preconstruction compliance for each identified toxic air pollutant. (3-28-23)
05.Uncontrolled Emissions. (3-28-23)
a. Compare the source's or modification's uncontrolled emissions rate for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable screening emission level listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
b. If the source's or modification's uncontrolled emission rate is less than or equal to the applicable screening emission level, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
06.Uncontrolled Ambient Concentration. (3-28-23)
a. Compare the source's or modification's uncontrolled ambient concentration at the point of compliance for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
b. If the source's or modification's uncontrolled ambient concentration at the point of compliance is less than or equal to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
07.Controlled Emissions. (3-28-23)
a. Compare the source's or modification's controlled emissions rate for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable screening emission level listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
b. If the source's or modification's controlled emission rate is less than or equal to the applicable screening emission level, no further procedure for demonstrating preconstruction compliance is required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
08.Controlled Ambient Concentration. (3-28-23)
a. Compare the source's or modification's controlled ambient concentration at the point of compliance for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
b. If the source's or modification's controlled ambient concentration at the point of compliance is less than or equal to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
c. The Department will include an emission limit for the toxic air pollutant in the permit to construct that is equal to or, if requested by the applicant, less than the emission rate that was used in the modeling. (3-28-23)
09.Net Emissions. (3-28-23)
a. As provided in Section 007 (definition of net emissions increase) and Sections 460 and 461, the owner or operator may net emissions to demonstrate preconstruction compliance. (3-28-23)
b. Compare the modification's approved net emissions increase (expressed as an emission rate) for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable screening emission level listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
c. If the modification's approved net emissions increase is less than or equal to the applicable screening emission level, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
d. The Department will include emission limits and other permit terms for the toxic air pollutant in the permit to construct that assure that the facility will be operated in the manner described in the preconstruction compliance demonstration. (3-28-23)
10.Net Ambient Concentration. (3-28-23)
a. As provided in Section 007 (definition of net emission increase) and Sections 460 and 461, the owner or operator may net ambient concentrations to demonstrate preconstruction compliance. (3-28-23)
b. Compare the modification's approved net ambient concentration at the point of compliance for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
c. If the modification's approved net ambient concentration at the point of compliance is less than or equal to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
d. The Department will include emission limits and other permit terms for the toxic air pollutant in the permit to construct that assure that the facility will be operated in the manner described in the preconstruction compliance demonstration. (3-28-23)
11.Toxic Air Pollutant Offset Ambient Concentration. (3-28-23)
a. As provided in Sections 206 and 460, the owner or operator may use offsets to demonstrate preconstruction compliance. (3-28-23)
b. Compare the source's or modification's approved offset ambient concentration at the point of compliance for the toxic air pollutant to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
c. If the source's or modification's approved offset ambient concentration at the point of compliance is less than or equal to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
d. The Department will include emission limits and other permit terms for the toxic air pollutant in the permit to construct that assure that the facility will be operated in the manner described in the preconstruction compliance demonstration. (3-28-23)
12.T-RACT Ambient Concentration for Carcinogens. (3-28-23)
a. As provided in Subsections 210.12 and 210.13, the owner or operator may use T-RACT to demonstrate preconstruction compliance for toxic air pollutants listed in Section 586. This method may be used in conjunction with netting (Subsection 210.09), and offsets (Subsection 210.11). (3-28-23)
b. Compare the source's or modification's approved T-RACT ambient concentration at the point of compliance for the toxic air pollutant to the amount of the toxic air pollutant that would contribute an ambient air cancer risk probability of less than one to one hundred thousand (1:100,000) (which amount is equivalent to ten (10) times the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Section 586). (3-28-23)
c. If the source's or modification's approved T-RACT ambient concentration at the point of compliance is less than or equal to the amount of the toxic air pollutant that would contribute an ambient air cancer risk probability of less than one to one hundred thousand (1:100,000), no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
d. The Department will include emission limits and other permit terms for the toxic air pollutant in the permit to construct that assure that the facility will be operated in the manner described in the preconstruction compliance demonstration. (3-28-23)
13.T-RACT Determination Processing. (3-28-23)
a. The applicant may submit all information necessary to the demonstration at the time the applicant submits the complete initial application, or the applicant may request the Department to review a complete initial application to determine if Subsection 210.12 may be applicable to the source or modification. (3-28-23)
b. Notwithstanding Subsections 209.01.a. and 209.01.b., if the applicant requests the Department to review a complete initial application and Subsection 210.12 is determined to be applicable, the completeness determination for the initial application will be revoked until a supplemental application is submitted and determined complete. When the supplemental application is determined complete, the timeline for agency action will be reinitiated. (3-28-23)
14.T-RACT Determination. T-RACT will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department as follows: (3-28-23)
a. The applicant must submit information to the Department identifying and documenting which control technologies or other requirements the applicant believes to be T-RACT. (3-28-23)
b. The Department will review the information submitted by the applicant and determine whether the applicant has proposed T-RACT. (3-28-23)
c. The technological feasibility of a control technology or other requirements for a particular source will be determined considering several factors including, but not limited to: (3-28-23)
i. Process and operating procedures, raw materials and physical plant layout. (3-28-23)
ii. The environmental impacts caused by the control technology that cannot be mitigated, including, but not limited to, water pollution and the production of solid wastes. (3-28-23)
iii. The energy requirements of the control technology. (3-28-23)
d. The economic feasibility of a control technology or other requirement, including the costs of necessary mitigation measures, for a particular source will be determined considering several factors including, but not limited to: (3-28-23)
i. Capital costs. (3-28-23)
ii. Cost effectiveness, which is the annualized cost of the control technology divided by the amount of emission reduction. (3-28-23)
iii. The difference in costs between the particular source and other similar sources, if any, that have implemented emissions reductions. (3-28-23)
e. If the Department determines that the applicant has proposed T-RACT, the Department will determine which of the options, or combination of options, will result in the lowest emission of toxic air pollutants, develop the emission standards constituting T-RACT and incorporate the emission standards into the permit to construct. (3-28-23)
f. If the Department determines that the applicant has not proposed T-RACT, the Department will disapprove the submittal. If the submittal is disapproved, the applicant may supplement its submittal or demonstrate preconstruction compliance through a different method provided in Section 210. If the applicant does not supplement its submittal or demonstrate preconstruction compliance through a different method provided in Section 210, the Department will deny the permit. (3-28-23)
15.Short Term Source Factor. For short term sources, the applicant may utilize a short-term adjustment factor of ten (10). For a carcinogen, multiply either the applicable acceptable ambient concentration (AACC) or the screening emission rate, but not both, by ten (10), to demonstrate preconstruction compliance. This method may be used for TAPs listed in Section 586 only and may be utilized in conjunction with standard methods for quantification of emission rates (Subsections 210.05 through 210.08). (3-28-23)
16.Environmental Remediation Source. (3-28-23)
a. For Remediation sources subject to or regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ( 42 U.S.C. Sections 6901 - 6992k ) and the "Idaho Rules and Standards for Hazardous Waste," (IDAPA et seq.) or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ( 42 U.S.C. 6901 - 6992k ) or a consent order, if the estimated ambient concentration at the point of impact is greater than the acceptable ambient impacts listed in Sections 585 and 586, Best Available Control Technology will be applied and operated until the estimated uncontrolled emissions from the remediation source are below the acceptable ambient concentration. (3-28-23)
b. For Remediation sources not subject to or regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ( 42 U.S.C. Sections 6901 - 6992k ) and the "Idaho Rules and Standards for Hazardous Waste," (IDAPA et seq.) or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ( 42 U.S.C. 6901 - 6992k ) or a consent order, will, for the purposes of these rules, be considered the same as any other new or modified source of toxic air pollution. (3-28-23)
c. For an environmental remediation source that functions to remediate or recover any release, spill, leak, discharge or disposal of any petroleum product or petroleum substance, the Department may waive the requirements of Section 513. (3-28-23)
17.Interpollutant Trading Ambient Concentration. (3-28-23)
a. As provided in Subsections 209.01.c., 210.17 through 210.19, the owner or operator may use interpollutant trading to demonstrate preconstruction compliance. This method may be used in conjunction with netting (Subsection 210.10), and offsets (Subsection 210.11) (3-28-23)
b. Compare the source's or modification's approved interpollutant ambient concentration at the point of compliance for the toxic air pollutant emitted by the source or modification to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Sections 585 or 586. (3-28-23)
c. If the source's or modification's approved interpollutant ambient concentration at the point of compliance is less than or equal to the applicable acceptable ambient concentration listed in Sections 585 or 586, no further procedures for demonstrating preconstruction compliance will be required for that toxic air pollutant as part of the application process. (3-28-23)
d. The Department will include emission limits for all of the toxic air pollutants involved in the trade in the permit to construct. The Department will also include other permit terms in the permit to construct that assure that the facility will be operated in the manner described in the preconstruction compliance demonstration. (3-28-23)
18.Interpollutant Trading Determination Processing. (3-28-23)
a. The applicant may submit all information necessary to the demonstration at the time the applicant submits the complete initial application, or the applicant may request the Department to review a complete initial application to determine if Subsection 210.17 may be applicable to the source or modification. (3-28-23)
b. Notwithstanding Subsections 209.01.a. and 209.01.b., if the applicant requests the Department to review a complete initial application and Subsection 210.17 is determined to be applicable, the completeness determination for the initial application will be revoked until a supplemental application is submitted and determined complete. When the supplemental application is determined complete, the timeline for agency action will be reinitiated. (3-28-23)
19.Interpollutant Determination. (3-28-23)
a. The applicant may request an interpollutant trade if the Department determines that: (3-28-23)
i. The facility complies with an emission standard at least as stringent as best available control technology (BACT); and (3-28-23)
ii. The owner or operator has instituted all known and available methods of pollution prevention at the facility to reduce, avoid or eliminate toxic air pollution prior to its generation including, but not limited to, recycling, chemical substitution, and process modification provided that such pollution prevention methods are compatible with each other, and the product or service being produced; and (3-28-23)
iii. The owner or operator has taken all available offsets; and (3-28-23)
iv. The owner or operator has identified all geographical areas and populations that may be impacted by the proposed interpollutant trade. (3-28-23)
b. Interpollutant trades will be approved or denied on a case-by-case basis by the Department. Approvals will be granted only if: (3-28-23) i. The Department of Health and Welfare's Division of Health approves the interpollutant trade; and (3-28-23)
ii. The Department of Environmental Quality determines that the interpollutant trade will result in a overall benefit to the environment; and (3-28-23)
iii. An EPA approved database or other EPA approved reference provides relative potency factors, or comparable factors, or other data that is sufficient to allow for adequate review and approval of the proposed trade is submitted for all of the toxic air pollutants being traded; and (3-28-23)
iv. The reductions occur at the same facility where the proposed source or modification will be constructed; and (3-28-23)
v. The interpollutant trade will not cause an increase in the ambient concentrations of the carcinogenic toxic air pollutants involved in the particular interpollutant trade at any receptor site; and (3-28-23)
vi. The total cancer risk with the interpollutant trade will be less than the total cancer risk without the interpollutant trade; and (3-28-23)
vii. The total non-cancer health risk with the interpollutant trade will be less than the total non-cancer health risk without the interpollutant trade. (3-28-23)
20.40 CFR Parts 60, 61 and 63 Sources. No demonstration of compliance with the toxic air pollutant provisions is required to obtain a permit to construct or to demonstrate permit to construct exemption criteria for a new source or for modification of an existing source if the toxic air pollutant is also a listed hazardous air pollutant from: (3-28-23)
a. The equipment or activity covered by a 40 CFR Part 60, 61, or 63 rule; or (3-28-23)
b. The source category of equipment or activity addressed by a 40 CFR Part 60, 61, or 63 rule even if the equipment or activity is not subject to compliance requirements under the federal rule. (3-28-23)

Idaho Admin. Code r.