Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

Sections 130 through 136 establish procedures to be implemented in all excess emissions events and establish criteria to be applied by the Department in determining whether to take enforcement action to impose penalties for an excess emissions event where the excess emissions are caused by startup, shutdown, scheduled maintenance, upset, or breakdown of any emissions unit or that occur as a direct result of the implementation of any safety measure. Startup is defined as the normal and customary time period required to bring air pollution control equipment or an emissions unit, including process equipment, from a nonoperational status into normal operation. Shutdown is defined as the normal and customary time period required to cease operations of air pollution control equipment or an emissions unit beginning with the initiation of procedures to terminate normal operation and continuing until the termination is completed. Upset is defined as an unplanned disruption in the normal operations of any equipment or emissions unit that may cause excess emissions. Breakdown is defined as an unplanned failure of any equipment or emissions unit that may cause excess emissions. Scheduled maintenance is defined as planned upkeep, repair activities and preventative maintenance on any air pollution control equipment or emissions unit, including process equipment, and including shutdown and startup of such equipment. Safety measure is defined as any shutdown (and related startup) or bypass of equipment or processes undertaken to prevent imminent injury or death or severe damage to equipment or property which may cause excess emissions. (3-28-23)

Idaho Admin. Code r.