Current through September 2, 2024
Section - PROCEDURE01.Search and Rescue Plan. The Department's Aerial Search and Rescue Manual (Plan) will provide guidelines for effectively conducting aerial search and rescue operations. The manual will establish requirements for crew qualification, adequacy of volunteer search aircraft performance, and Deputy Aerial SAR Coordinator qualifications. In order to effectively implement the State SAR Plan, the State Aerial SAR Coordinator may make SAR agreements as necessary with other agencies/organization(s)/individual(s). They may be either informal verbal agreements or they may be formal written documents. Agreements will provide for the maximum practicable cooperation of such agencies/organization(s)/individual(s) and the use and coordination of facilities committed to SAR missions. Written agreements will normally involve officials of comparable levels in their respective agencies. Written agreements should be as brief as possible, covering only those specific items for which the agreement is deemed necessary. They should not be repetitious or contradictory of matters contained in the National SAR Plan.02.Deputy Aerial SAR Coordinators. The State Aerial SAR Coordinator may assign District Aerial SAR Coordinators who act under the direction of the State Aerial SAR Coordinator. Tasks may include organizing the volunteer personnel and resources of his assigned search area for maximum efficiency, safety, and economy. Said Deputy Coordinator may be either a volunteer, state employee or other individual as assigned by the State Aerial SAR Coordinator.03.Designations by State Aerial SAR Coordinators. The State Aerial SAR Coordinator will designate airports of primary operational support as necessary in the aerial search effort. The State Aerial SAR Coordinator may designate Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 91.137 as needed for safety of search aircraft. Normally the State Aerial SAR Coordinator will function in the Division of Aeronautics facilities but the option to dispatch state coordinator to the airport(s) of primary support, State EOC, or other location as necessary, may be exercised. Division aircraft may be used as necessary with state crews or with state pilot in command and volunteer pilot/observer(s). Volunteer aircraft and crews will be screened by the Deputy Aerial SAR Coordinator for availability, qualification, and willingness to participate in the search. Flight logs and mission records will be maintained and all pertinent information will be screened and recorded and forwarded to the State Aerial SAR Coordinator or the Incident Command Staff (ICS) at the close of the mission or as requested.04.Interstate or International Coordination. On some occasions the aerial search and rescue effort may need to extend into bordering states or Canada. Interstate coordination with other states/Canada will be accomplished by the Division through the AFRCC for SAR mission needs.05.Funds. State Aeronautical (SAR) search and rescue funds will be used solely in support of aeronautical SAR efforts. Financial support of aeronautical SAR volunteers includes, but is not limited to, SAR training, education, equipment, coordinating efforts, communications, and aircraft fuel and oil expenses.06.Official Mission Report. A report will be made to the State Aerial SAR Coordinator by the Deputy Aerial SAR Coordinator at the termination of daily search activity. The State Aerial SAR Coordinator will consolidate all necessary report information and relay it to AFRCC. All mission working papers which are accumulated during the course of the search mission will be analyzed for meaningful content upon which to base operational decisions.07.Time Period of Searches. Aerial searches will be continued until either successful or until passage of time has drastically reduced the possibility of survival. If search is unsuccessful and all leads have been exhausted, the search may be suspended upon mutual agreement between the Division and the county sheriff, the Incident Commander or OEM until either new leads are received or conditions have changed which increases the probability of detection.08.Completion of Search. The search phase will end when the search and rescue objective has been located and confirmed. Division staff will assist the responding county sheriff of Incident Commander as needed until the rescue phase is complete.09.Required Reports. Upon completion of the mission, all cooperating/participating agencies will be advised as promptly as possible. News releases will be coordinated through the incident command staff or as deemed appropriate by the State Aerial SAR Coordinator. All SAR resources will be accounted for prior to closing the mission A report of mission activity will be made to AFRCC. A synopsis of the entire mission will be developed by the State Aerial SAR Coordinator with the following forms attached to the synopsis.using forms and guidance in the SAR manual, unless other requirements are established by the Incident Commander.Idaho Admin. Code r.