Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Place of Weighing. That location where a motor vehicle, semitrailer, trailer, or combination thereof, is weighed by enforcement personnel to determine its legal allowable axle, combination of axles, or gross weight. Such locations include:
a. Permanent ports of entry;
b. Temporary weigh sites where vehicles are weighed on portable scales;
c. Privately owned scales which are currently certified by the Idaho Department of Agriculture.
02.Perishable Commodity. Any product that will spoil, die, or otherwise become unusable for human or animal consumption, or becomes unmarketable when not properly cared for, maintained, or preserved.
03.Legalization. Bringing a vehicle or load into compliance with applicable weight limitations by adjusting or shifting the load on the vehicle or by off-loading a portion of the load to another vehicle or place of storage.
04.Safe Point of Legalization. That point closest to the place of weighing where qualified personnel, equipment, or material exist to safely shift, off-load, or transfer cargo from a vehicle to a place of storage or to another vehicle.
05.Travel Authorization. A document authorizing a specific vehicle and its load to travel in an overweight condition from its place of weighing to a safe point of legalization.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022