Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Purpose. Unless exempted by these rules or by the administrator, all informal and formal solicitations require specifications. Specifications set forth the characteristics of the property to be acquired. Specifications serve as the basis for obtaining property adequate and suitable for the using agency's needs in a cost effective manner, taking into account the costs of ownership and operation as well as initial acquisition costs. Specifications shall be drafted clearly to describe the agency's needs and to enable the vendors to determine and understand the agency's requirements. Specifications shall, as much as practical, be nonrestrictive to provide an equal basis for participation by an optimum number of vendors and to encourage competition. This information may be in the form of a description of the physical, functional or performance characteristics, a reference brand name or both. It may include a description of any required inspection, testing or preparation or delivery. Specifications may be incorporated by reference or contained in an attachment.
02.Use of Functional or Performance Descriptions. Specifications shall, to the extent practicable, emphasize functional or performance criteria while limiting design or other detailed physical descriptions to those necessary to meet the needs of the agency. To facilitate the use of such criteria, using agencies shall endeavor to include as a part of purchase requisitions their principal functional or performance needs.
03.Preference for Commercially Available Property. Requirements shall be satisfied by standard commercial property whenever practicable.
04.Brand Name or Equal Specification.
a. A brand name or equal specifications may be used when the buyer determines that such a specification is in the agency's best interest.
b. A brand name or equal specification shall seek to designate as many different brands as are practicable as "or equal" and shall state that property substantially equivalent to those designated will be considered for award.
c. Unless the buyer authorized to finally approve specifications determines that the essential characteristics of the brand names included in the specifications are commonly known in the industry or trade, brand name or equal specifications shall include a description of the particular design and functional or performance characteristics required.
d. Where a brand name or equal specification is used, the document shall contain explanatory language that the use of a brand name is for the purpose of designating the standard of quality, performance, and characteristics desired and is not intended to restrict competition.
05.Brand Name Specification.
a. Since use of a brand name specification is restrictive, such a specification may only be used when the administrator or designee makes a written determination. Such determination may be in any form, such as a purchase evaluation or a statement of single manufacturer justification. The written statement must state specific reasons for use of the brand name specification.
b. The administrator shall seek to identify sources from which the designated brand name property can be obtained and shall solicit such sources to achieve whatever degree of competition is practicable. If only one (1) source can supply the requirement, the acquisition shall be made under Section 67-9221, Idaho Code.
06.Specification of Alternates May Be Included. A specification may provide alternate descriptions of property where two (2) or more design, functional or performance criteria will satisfactorily meet the agency's requirements.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023