Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Tie Responses -- Definition. Tie responses are low responsive bids, proposals or quotes from responsible bidders or offerors (or for requests for quotes, from vendors submitting a quote) that are identical in price or score. Responsibility is determined based upon the standards of responsibility set forth in Section 081 of these rules.
02.Award. Award shall not be made by drawing lots, except as set forth below, or by dividing business among tie responses. In the discretion of the buyer, award shall be made in any permissible manner that will resolve tie responses. Procedures that may be used to resolve tie responses include:
a. If price is considered excessive or for another reason such responses are unsatisfactory, reject all responses, resolicit and seek a more favorable contract in the open market or enter into negotiations pursuant to Section 084 of these rules;
b. Award to an Idaho resident or an Idaho domiciled vendor or for Idaho produced property where other tie response(s) are from out of state or to a vendor submitting a domestic property where other tie responses are for foreign (external to Idaho) manufactured or supplied property;
c. Award to the vendor with the earliest delivery date.
03.Drawing Lots. If no permissible method will be effective in resolving tie responses and a written determination is made so stating, award may be made by drawing lots or tossing a coin in the presence of witnesses if there are only two (2) tie responses.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023