Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Unless the administrator makes a written determination to the contrary, property meeting the following criteria need not be purchased by competitive solicitation.

01.Reverse Auction. Purchases through reverse public auctions as authorized by Section 67-9221, Idaho Code.
02.Federal Government Acquisitions. Acquisitions from the United State of America or any agency thereof.
03.Public Agency Acquisitions. Acquisitions from other public agencies as defined in Section 67-2327, Idaho Code, and authorized by Section 67-2332, Idaho Code.
04.Idaho Correctional Industries. Purchases of property marketed directly by Idaho Correctional Industries in accordance with Section 20-245, Idaho Code.
05.Open Contracts. Except as provided in these rules or exempted by the administrator, property available under existing open contracts shall be purchased under such contracts in accordance with the provisions or requirements for use thereof.
06.Professional or Consultant Services. The acquisition of professional or consultant services for one-time projects costing less than the sealed procedure limit and lasting less than one (1) year in duration.
07.Small Purchases. The acquisition of property meeting the criteria in sub-section 041.01 of these rules; provided, however, that acquisitions cannot be artificially divided to meet the small purchase criteria.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023