Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Prior to Issuance of Permit. The following items shall be among those considered by the Director prior to issuing a permit:
a. What is the purpose of doing the work?
b. What is the necessity and justification for the proposed alteration?
c. Is the proposal a reasonable means of accomplishing the purpose?
d. Will the alteration be a permanent solution?
e. Will the alteration pass anticipated water flows without creating harmful flooding or erosion problems upstream or downstream?
f. What effect will the alteration have on fish habitat?
g. Will the materials used or the removal of ground cover create turbidity or other water quality problems?
h. Will the alteration interfere with recreational use of the stream?
i. Will the alteration detract from the aesthetic beauty of the area?
j. What modification or alternative solutions are reasonably possible which would reduce the disturbance to the stream channel and its environment and/or better accomplish the desired goal of the proposed alteration?
k. Is the alteration to be accomplished in accordance with the adopted minimum standards?
l. Are there public safety factors to consider?
02.Proposed Alteration Which Does Not Follow Minimum Standards. In those cases where a proposed alteration does not follow the minimum standards, a copy of the application will be sent for review to those state agencies requesting notification. The Director shall provide for review by the Department of Lands, copies of applications on navigable rivers. The Director will provide a copy of any other application requested by the Department of Lands and may request review by other state agencies regardless of whether or not the proposed alteration will comply with the minimum standards.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022