Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.General. All hearings before the IWRB will be conducted in accordance with Chapter 52, Title 67, Idaho Code, at a place convenient to the owner and/or operator. For purposes of such hearings, the IWRB or its designated hearing officer shall have power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, and issue in the name of the said Board subpoenas requiring testimony of witnesses and the production of evidence relevant to any matter in the hearing. Judicial review of the final determination by the IWRB may be secured by the owner by filing a petition for review as prescribed by Chapter 52, Title 67, Idaho Code, in the District Court of the county where the injection well is situated or proposed to be located. The petition for review shall be served upon the Chairman of the IWRB and upon the Attorney General.
02.Hearings on Conditional Permits, Disapproved Applications, or Petitions for Exemption. Any owner or operator aggrieved by the approval or disapproval of an application, or by conditions imposed upon a permit, or any person aggrieved by the Director's decision on a petition for exemption under Section 025 of these rules, shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the IWRB or its designated hearing officer. Written notice of such grievance shall be transmitted to the Director within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of such approval, disapproval or conditional approval. Such hearing shall be held for the purpose of determining whether the permit shall be issued, whether the conditions imposed in a permit are reasonable, whether a change in circumstances warrants a change in conditions imposed in a valid permit, or whether the Director's decision on a petition for exemption should not be changed.
03.Hearings on Permit Cancellations. When the Director has reason to believe the operation of an injection well for which a permit has been issued is interfering with the right of the public to withdraw water for beneficial uses, or is causing unreasonable contamination of a drinking or other ground water source as provided for in Title 42, Chapter 39, Idaho Code, the permit may be canceled by the Director. Prior to the cancellation of such permit there shall be a hearing before the IWRB for the purpose of determining whether or not the permit should be canceled. At such hearing, the Director shall be the complaining party. At least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing, a notice, which shall be in accordance with Chapter 52, Title 67, Idaho Code, shall be sent by certified mail to the owner or operator whose permit is proposed to be canceled. The Board shall affirm, modify, or reject the Director's decision and make its decision in the form of an order to the Director.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022