Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Board Meetings for Committee Appointments. The Board may at any regular or special meeting to consider appointing an entity to serve as a local committee to facilitate the lease and rental of stored water. At least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, the entity seeking appointment shall provide to the Director information concerning the organization of the entity, a listing of its officers, a copy of its bylaws and procedures, if applicable, a copy of the proposed local committee procedures, pursuant to which the local committee would facilitate the lease and rental of stored water, together with a copy of each general lease and rental form proposed to be used by the local committee. The local committee procedures must be approved by the Board and must provide for the following:
a. Determination of priority among competing applicants to lease stored water to the rental pool and to rent stored water from the rental pool;
b. Determination of the reimbursement schedule for those leasing stored water into the rental pool;
c. Determination of the rental price charge to those renting stored water from the rental pool;
d. Determination of the administrative charge to be assessed by the local committee;
e. Allocation of stored water leased to the bank but not rented;
f. Notification of the Department and the watermaster of any rentals where stored water will be moved from the place of use authorized by the permit, license, or decree establishing the stored water right;
g. Submittal of applications to rent water from the rental pool for more than five (5) years to the Board for review and approval as a condition of approval by the local committee;
h. Prevention of injury to other water rights;
i. Protection of the local public interest, except for applications submitted pursuant to the interim authority provided by Section 42-1763A, Idaho Code;
j. Consistency with the conservation of water resources within the state of Idaho, except for applications submitted pursuant to the interim authority provided by Section 42-1763A, Idaho Code;
k. Management of rental pool funds as public funds pursuant to the Public Depository Law, Chapter 1, Title 57, Idaho Code.
02.Local Committee Procedures. The local committee procedures shall provide that a surcharge of ten percent (10%) of the rental fee charged per acre foot of stored water rented from the rental pool shall be assessed and credited to the revolving development account and the water management account established in Sections 42-1752 and 42-1760, Idaho Code, in such proportion as the Board in its discretion shall determine. Such moneys, together with moneys accruing to or earned thereon, shall be set aside, and made available until expended, to be used by the Board for the purposes of Rule 1 unless the surcharge is prohibited by statute, compact or inter-governmental agreement.
03.Review by Director. The Director will review the local committee procedures and submit them along with the Director's recommendation to the Board. The lease and rental form must receive the Director's approval. The Board may designate the applying entity as the local committee for a period not to exceed five (5) years. A Certificate of Appointment will be issued by the Board. The Board may extend the appointment for additional periods up to five (5) years, upon written request of the local committee. The Board may revoke a designation upon request of the local committee, or after a hearing pursuant to the promulgated Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Board, if the Board determines that the local committee is no longer serving a necessary purpose or is not abiding by its own approved procedures, these rules or applicable statutes.
04.Annual Report. The local committee shall report annually on the activity of the rental pool on forms provided by the Board.
05.Submission of Amendments to Procedures to Board. Amendments to the approved procedures of an appointed local committee which change the amount charged for the rental of stored water shall be submitted to the Board by April 1st of any year. The amendment will be considered approved by the Board unless specifically disapproved at the first regular Board meeting following the amendment action of the local committee. The Board may, upon good cause being determined by the Board, specifically approve of amendments submitted after April 1 of any year.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022